Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

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Integrated Energy Balancing/Healing Psychotherapy and Transpersonal BreathWork
An Empowering Holistic Approach

By Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

Transpersonal BreathWork is both and integral part of individual Integrated Energy Balancing/ Healing Psychotherapy and is taught separately by myself in workshops and groups. You can experience: extra energy, increased mental clarity, a greater ability to solve problems, an efficient and healthier life, more, love, joy, forgiveness, compassion, and freedom, less stress, a creativity boost and expressing your truth, more balance, greater intuition, and a deeper connection with your spirituality. The purpose of the breathing is to heal, balance, clear, and not to bring up past trauma. Ideally, when our bottom three energy centers are clear and balanced and our top three energy centers are clear and balanced, we live in joy from the heart through unconditional love. You can truly integrate alternative healing methods with the traditional and create your own personalized holistic practice to empower and heal yourself!

I have studied and researched successful traditional and non-traditional approaches to human change and addictive behaviors through my doctoral education at Temple University. Research shows the most important factor in positive client outcome to be a good and trusted therapeutic relationship between the client and therapist. Thus, my number one priority in being a healer is to be a trusted guide in my client’s own process, allow them the freedom and flexibility to explore different change options, and find the answers to their problems and issues inside of themselves.

I have taken countless professional and spiritual workshops at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies (largest holistic education center in the country). I am a proficient and skilled Reiki Master and Transformational Breath Facilitator and know how important and potent energy healing work is. As a result, spirit guided me in creating an extremely powerful yet gentle healing system combining Eastern and Western healing modalities. I call this Integrated Energy Balancing/Healing Psychotherapy and Transpersonal BreathWork. The integration of alternative and traditional methods of healing is a more complete holistic approach.

In individual sessions I begin with Aromatherapy. Essential oils are applied as dictated by individual needs. Research has shown the positive benefits of holistic healing with high frequency grade oils. An example of an oil I use frequently on the feet of my clients is frankincense. This helps to ground them and open their feet to the energy in the earth. They then lay down and put their ankles in the chi machine for ten minutes. This moves their legs back and forth, which oxygenates the blood, opens up the root energy center in the sacrum at the base of the spine, and pulls energy up through the body. It is important to bring the energy up the back of the body though the energy centers to the top of the head and then back down the front of the body through the energy centers to the earth again. This helps clear and balance the energy field and alleviates prior build up in any one area, which can cause sickness, disease, and emotional issues to manifest. The client then is coached on the massage table how to breathe to specific calibrated music. There are eight different Transpersonal breaths each of which concentrates on different energy systems in the body. While the client is breathing I clear, balance, and facilitate healing in their energy body using a combination of Reiki, Prana healing, light body work, and the Orion Healing Technique so as to keep the energy flowing evenly throughout the body. During the 30 minutes of breathing clients are usually in a theta brainwave state. This is a very deep and suggestible state where we can bypass the ego, facilitate healing, and reprogram on the ethereal and cellular levels. I take advantage of this state by giving positive affirmations as I work on the energy centers in the body. These affirmations are holistic including the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realms. An example of heart breath affirmations would be, I unconditionally love myself and others, I am forgiving of myself and others, and I am compassionate with myself and others.

Experience the empowerment of taking personal responsibility to heal yourself! Let go of control and fear and feel the presence of unconditional love with Transpersonal BreathWork and/or Integrated Energy Balancing/Healing Psychotherapy!


New Visions Magazine article January, 2001.


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