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The Paradox of World Change

By Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

Change is a very slow and subtle process. Yet we each have the capacity to influence change in the universe. Chaos theory supports this notion. A butterfly flapping its wings can influence the weather on the other side of the world. Quantum physics demonstrates thought as the precursor to action or form. If we are thinking anything that resembles violence, revenge, or any defensive fear based thought we are contributing to the manifested fear based actions in the world. What has changed since September 11th? An important concept to understand while sorting through this question is the difference between level one and level two change. Level one change is increasing more of the same, like allocating more money in the fight against drugs. Level two change is a qualitative difference in the process of how something is done, a paradigm shift. Both levels of change are and have been happening simultaneously, however, level two change is harder to see and recognized by a much smaller proportion of the population. Let me explain.

The media, our government, and corporate America are engaged in level one change. Since the terrorist attacks on September 11th and the anthrax scare many people have been operating to a large extent from fear. The result has been increased security, chasing down Bin Laden, and ousting the Taliban while killing thousands of innocent lives. Let us remember that many wars are fought between governments and not the people that just so happen to live there. Eradicating "evil" or other cultures "belief systems" has been going on for thousands of years. This has never proved to be a long-term solution. As long as there are winners and losers and power and greed, peace is impossible! Violence begets violence! We live in a world of duality and if energy is projected to conquer evil, karma (or physics) will return the energy eventually. Fighting and killing for good and peace is using the other side of the same coin (paradigm). Level one change brings us more of the same, but usually with the fluff and propaganda that make it look real and justified. One has only to look back through history since WWII to see the underlying motive of our government meddling in third world countries and the accompanying atrocities inflicted in the name of power and greed (see

Level two change is also happening, but on a much subtler level. There is a consciousness or paradigm shift taking place in the world. Where individuals and groups are extending love, forgiveness, and sharing their vision of a peaceful and compassionate world. More and more people understand the significance of taking responsibility for their own thoughts and actions like the butterfly effect. One such group is called the Global Renaissance Alliance (see

"The Cultural Creatives" (Ray & Anderson, 2000) is an excellent book that outlines, through empirical data, how change is taking place in the United States. Basically, traditionalists include 24% of the U.S. Traditionalists would like to go back to the way things were. Family values, morals, patriarchy, and more traditional religion encompass this group. Moderns characterize 50% of the U.S. Moderns are into the mass of society, technology, and materialism. Cultural creatives comprise 26% of the population. Cultural creatives include two subgroups. The green group is concerned about the environment and the earth’s resources (see The other group is also interested in the earth and conservation, but additionally, are very much involved in spiritual and personal growth. The cultural creatives have grown exponentially over the last forty years and as a group will continue to grow, unite, and exert increasing influence.

Whenever a paradigm shift is evolving, there is resistance from the status quo and those who benefit from power and money. In a nutshell, the moderns are losing ground. What we are doing presently in the world is not working. Some moderns who are experiencing fear are identifying with the traditionalists in the hope that we can return to the way things were (or never really were). This is normal during any level two change process. However, other moderns are waking up and transcending fear through the extension of love and joining the cultural creatives. Individually we can make a difference. Collectively we, the cultural creatives, can create a new and exciting paradigm by manifesting a culture that respects and honors all humanity and beliefs. We are indeed changing in deeper more inclusive ways!


Yoga Living January/February 2002.


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