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Inner Healing of Mind through Spirit Manifests the Unity of Healthy Body and Ecological Consciousness

By Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

A Course in Miracles speaks about true healing as healing the mind. This healing takes place by having but the tiniest willingness to merge with your higher power, turning over or letting go of the ego, and ask to heal the mind. When the ego thinks it heals, it is temporary. When God heals, it is permanent and timeless. Healing is not in form. It is an inside job where we get in touch with our spiritual, eternal, and egoless higher self. The paradox is that when our minds heal, our bodies heal. This is explained by downward causation in quantum physics and is articulated eloquently in "Physics of the Soul" (Goswami, 2001). Through the healing of the mind we remember we are one with everything, extending love, compassion, and forgiveness. Taoism and Tai Chi speak of similar experiences in "The Tai Chi Journey" (Lash, 1989). Love the world as your self; then you can truly care for all things. Once you have reached the stage of being able to love all that is, then not only will you be trusted to care for the world, but you really can care for the world. Until human beings have this compassion and a feeling of Oneness, it does not matter what changes we make in government, ecological legislation, civil rights, etc., because everything is based upon selfishness and ego. To accept the Tai Chi way of life is to accept full responsibility for the world. It is up to the Tai Chi person to re-establish the harmony of the Tao in the world by ridding him/herself of selfishness. Thus, he or she becomes the teacher, the silent example for others (Lash, 1989).

Walking this path of personal and spiritual growth everything else falls into place effortlessly. Thus we become more in tune with our bodies and the environment. Experiencing this connection we operate from our true nature caring for what we put in our bodies, and dispose of. Our compassion is automatic because we realize through our Oneness that polluting the earth and wasting our natural resources is synonymous with polluting and disrespecting ourselves and loved ones. This is not an intellectual discovery but an experiential awareness.

An awareness of what is taking place ecologically on the macro scale will put the urgency of our personal healing and re-connection to spirit in proper perspective. For those of you who read my article last month "The Paradox of World Change" the concept of greed and power of world governments and corporations is not new. In this vein one can only surmise that the motive in putting our pristine wildlife and innocent biogems in danger is money and blatant disregard for life, all life! The NRDC (National Resources Defense Council) reports that the Bush Administration's energy bill, that's already approved by the House of Representatives, is pushing to open the Artic National Wildlife Refuge to oil development and promote drilling in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem, including Bridger-Teton National Forest, the upper Green River Basin, and the Red Desert. Proponents have been trying to slip this energy bill through the Senate attached to other unrelated legislation. It's disturbing that this energy bill is being promoted under the guise of national security and energy independence especially after September 11th. "But even industry officials acknowledge it would take ten years to bring Artic oil to market. And when that oil arrives, it will never equal more than two percent of the oil Americans consume each year – not enough to reduce our nation's dependence on imported oil or even to affect world oil prices. Raising automobile fuel economy standards to 40 miles per gallon over the next decade would save 15 times more oil than the Artic Refuge is likely to produce over the next 50 years"(NRDC, Jan/Feb 2002). Robert Redford is working on bringing this out into the public and speaking to the Senate early this year. If you want to help save these national biogems go to

Individually by experiencing our Oneness we can make a difference! It starts with healing our minds through spirit. God help me see this differently. There is no greater energy than love, compassion, and forgiveness. With the unification of mind, body, and spirit, our care for the ecological system would be an automatic part of our human nature. Choose again brothers and sisters, we are one with our earth, the Tao.

Yoga Living March/April 2002.


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