Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

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There are no quick fixes or shortcuts!

By Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

Many of you who know of my work are familiar with my offering alternatives to traditional approaches. Holistic means to integrate various modalities as appropriate to treat the body, mind, and spirit. This can include traditional and alternative approaches. It is my experience that if the dogma surrounding a traditional approach includes the exclusion of other methods, then it is myopic, potentially dangerous, and grounded in fear. In addition, any practice that is learned has important guidelines that have been researched, experienced, and followed in tradition because it is necessary for the process to be effective. Taking shortcuts and adapting these tried and true methods to our western, impatient, and ego laden capitalistic society spells trouble and tarnishes the reputation of the alternative, holistic, and “new age” paradigm. Tradition is important! The ego does not want to hear this but; THERE ARE NO QUICK FIXES OR SHORTCUTS!

Now I know this may piss some people off. I was pissed off too! It has been my own personal and spiritual experience, my clinical experience with my clients, and the experience of all of my grounded teachers embodying integrity, you have to do your work and follow a framework in practicing any tradition. I'm not saying that you have to agree with everything proposed in a school. But I'm also saying that there is a discipline to be followed that is important if you want to heal. If there is resistance to many principles within a certain school or discipline, then maybe it's time you look at those issues surrounding your resistance. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater is not coming from integrity. Many of the popular practices of our time (Yoga, Tai Chi, and Reiki) have been practiced and experienced for hundreds if not thousands of years yielding effective results. Many of these are grounded in spiritual discipline. When certain key elements are removed, or time of learning and practice are curtailed, or they have been altered to resemble our quick fix culture, they are no longer Yoga, Tai Chi, and Reiki. Integrating with integrity and purposeful intent is holistic. Changing and altering core aspects of a tradition is not! THERE ARE NO QUICK FIXES OR SHORTCUTS!

Let's take a look at this from A Course in Miracles viewpoint, through my ego filter. The world is an illusion. We made it because we feel guilty for the original sin (sin means separation) or separating from God. The way back to the oneness with God is forgiveness. However, the ego cannot heal or help us with this unveiling of who we really are. The ego was made by us to keep us separate and in fear. Forgiveness, the only way out of the illusion or dream, can only happen through God, or the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is an interpreter for God to help heal our minds. Seek not to change the world but to change your perception of the world. The healing of the mind is how we can change our perception of the world and ourselves. True healing and forgiveness happens with a little willingness in conjunction with the Holy Spirit. There are a thousand roads that all lead back to the same place we never left (Love or God). Letting go and turning it over to our higher power as we personally define it allows us to trust the school, discipline, or method we are engaged in. Embracing a school or discipline in its tradition allows the spiritual process to unfold. A Course in Miracles clearly acknowledges this process of growth and peace as a process and not an instant remedy. As long as we're doing whatever we're doing with God, Holy Spirit, Higher Power, etc., and are engaging ourselves with a little willingness, we are moving closer and closer to forgiveness, peace, and love. THERE ARE NO QUICK FIXES OR SHORTCUTS!

Many of my clients, workshop participants, friends, family, and myself struggle with the concept of change of self and allowing the process to unfold in its own timeframe. I think we all are fearful of incorporating the practice a tradition requires. Change must happen with the self. Tradition is required. Discipline is required. An open timeframe is required. A little willingness to turn it over to your Higher Power is required. Allow yourself to be in the process while following the core wisdom teachings of tradition. SORRY, THERE ARE NO QUICK FIXES OR SHORTCUTS!

Yoga Living July/August 2002


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