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Sacred Equals Peace

By Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

Honoring. We honor many things. But why are we honoring these things? Are we honoring because we should, because it is the right thing to do, because it is outside us in hierarchy, or because it is an extension of who we already are, sacred beings ourselves. If you answered with a, should, right, outside us in hierarchy, then it may take you longer to attain peace. If you honor things as a loving extension of yourself, then you are mirroring and honoring your own sacred self. Peace can manifest more organically this way.

Looking at it as an inside out job, the sacred space inside us is where the real peace and serenity lie. When we experience this as true, we radiate and extend love to all as we realize we are all one. It becomes natural and organic to honor nature as a sacred space, our bodies, our home environments, community events, churches, and temples to name a few. When we are full on the inside, full of love, compassion, and forgiveness, the outside world of form manifests in sacredness, peace, and serenity where we honor all.

However, this is not the only path as there are a thousand paths. If we could all take the inner path first, there would be no need for this article. The truth is all paths lead to the same place. As we tinker with our individual and at the same time collective paths, here are some sacred places that can aid inner peace from the outside in.

Believe it or not our body is outward. However, when we can honor our body as a temple, a gift given to us in form, it can aid us in transforming our inner selves. The key here is intent. Treating our bodies as temples does not mean idolizing them. There is a balance I am speaking of here where we nourish ourselves, exercise, breathe, meditate, and do yoga, etc. By honoring our bodies in this way outwardly, we can organically nourish and honor ourselves inwardly.

Many of us have our own ways of honoring our home environments as sacred space. I choose Feng Shui. In this way I honor and respect everything in my living space as having a purpose with the whole. As a result when people visit my home they sense the energy of peace, sacredness, love, and joy. Once again, by surrounding myself with this sacred energy it penetrates and transforms my inner being. Thus, my home mirrors the inner me.

Nature is one of my favorite sacred places to honor. Whether it is the plant and tree people, mother earth, the water, father sky, or the four leggeds. Nature brings my inner self back in harmony and balance. There is no greater honor then being open to the wisdom of nature and respecting her many gifts to us, the two leggeds. For me, nature is a sacred instant transformation to inner peace and oneness with the universe.

I also participate in many other sacred spaces, all of which engender safety, peace, and respect. Many community gatherings create this space. Spiritual temples and places of worship can evoke this deep connection to myself and other brothers and sisters. When I visited the Anasazi ruins out west in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah, I could feel the energy of sacred burial sites, living spaces, community, and nature. The more we can get out of our minds and into the present moment, the more we can sense the subtle energies of sacredness all around us. Peace will accompany this process.

Ultimately, we can create sacred space anywhere we choose. Some places are easier than others. The more we can connect to all aspects of ourselves, others, mother earth, and the universe, the more at peace we will become. This is a special time of year that reminds us to create sacred space in our lives so we can extend peace, love, compassion, and forgiveness to all. As we celebrate the holidays with our families and friends, don't forget to celebrate ourselves, the four leggeds, the plant and tree people, mother earth, father sky, the rest of our human brothers and sisters, and the rest of the universe. We are all one, on different paths, leading back to the same place we never left, our divine sacred space, where there is only peace and love. Happy Peaceful Loving Holidays To All Everywhere!

Yoga Living November/December 2002.


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