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Posturing for Success: Reflecting on the Mirrors of the Inner and the Outer

By Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

Posture n 1: the position or bearing of the body or one of its parts 2: STATE, CONDITION 3: ATTITUDE vb 4: to strike a pose esp. for effect.

Posturing is an often under emphasized part of ones growth process. It doesn't matter if you are practicing yoga, meditation, tai chi, chi gong, breathwork, or weight lifting for that matter. In order to get the maximum benefit from the practices of your discipline(s) it is crucial to incorporate the correct posture. And, as articulated in Webster's definition above, posturing also relates to attitude, state, and condition. Thus, posturing has to do with intent and whether we set ourselves up for success or self-sabotage.

When I first learned to meditate the book that helped me the most was Stephen Levin's "A Gradual Awakening." This is a very simple and straightforward book on meditation and posture. When meditating it is important to sit with a straight spine with the back either lightly touching or not touching the back of the chair or backjack. It is important that we are supporting ourselves. This enables the energy to move freely along the spine and up and down the chakras. In Taoism, meditation is done in a sitting position on a chair with hands clasped resting together in front or palms down on each leg. Meditation can also be done in a lotus postion, legs crossed, with hands clasped resting together in front or on each leg upward with thumb and forefinger together. One effective posture is to keep the back straight and supported on its own. Breathing needs to be from the belly while observing the in and the out breath while keeping the head level and straight. These are a couple ways to meditate, as there are many, including lying down. Proper posturing frees the body up to relax and allow the energy to move naturally and organically without effort. In part this is what letting go is; effortless effect.

Posturing is also an important part of our everyday lives. Many times our posture is an indication of our internal state. If our inner self is fearful, guilt ridden, shameful, joyful, loving, or compassionate, our outer posture will reflect our inner state. We can sometimes look at people's postures and already know what is going on with their feelings and emotions. This brings up an interesting question. Can we posture on the outside and affect our inner states? This is what we call healthy denial or "fake it till you make it." When we posture ourselves with good body posture and set ourselves up for success, we are more likely to minimize inner confusion, turmoil and change our state and condition. Thus, once again posturing facilitates growth inside and outside.

In addition, posture is also defined as attitude. So, by keeping a positive attitude about our everyday actions and affairs it once again sets us up for success. Thought creates reality. Everything we think has an impact on what will manifest for us. Attitude works on our thoughts like posturing works in yoga and meditation. Being in the right frame of mind and starting the process in alignment allows effortless effect to manifest.

By becoming aware of how we reflect the mirrors of our inner and outer states, we can consciously posture ourselves inwardly and outwardly through thoughts, attitude, and body posture with yoga, meditation, tai chi, or breathwork, to name a few. We can also posture ourselves as the beginning point of all our activities to set ourselves up for success, even if it means "faking it till we make it" while we develop our discipline and practice. Eventually, our state and condition will change to one of more stillness and peace. This will happen by letting go, which in turn will manifest effortless effect. Sounds easy, doesn't it? And to think all this starts through proper posturing. Pretty important concept, huh?

Yoga Living January/February 2003.


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