Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

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Shapeshifting Consciousness

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D., CHT., Reike Master

Over the winter a friend sent me a book titled "Shapeshifting" (Perkins,1997). I was intrigued by the title and was familiar with John Perkins through the Omega Institute's workshop catalogue. I could not put the book down. A couple of weeks after finishing the book I received Omega's Summer 2003 catalogue and read about a seven day certification training in Shapeshifting Consciousness with John Perkins. I've learned over the years to listen to subtle messages such as this so I jumped at the opportunity and registered with my girlfriend Andrea for the seven day certification. End result: Transformation!

John Perkins spent several years with the Shuar people of the Amazon Rainforest. He visited Ecuador first in 1968 to teach the Shuar people about credit unions with the Peace Corps. Three years later John was the one who was blessed with learning and experiencing shapeshifting and many other ancient shamanic teachings. We are all students and teachers.

Through Journeying, sacred rituals, the four elements (water, fire, earth, and air), drumming, and fire ceremonies, John taught us the principles of shapeshifting on the personal, organizational, and cellular levels. The Shuar experience everything in the world as a dream. An example of shapeshifting on the personal level would be a change in our paradigms or belief structures through releasing our past traumas and blockages to uncover our core, or authentic, self. Organizational Shapeshifting can go through similar paradigm shifts in ways that foster environmental, economic, and social balance. Finally, shapeshifting on the cellular level occurs as we let go of our fears and limited belief systems to heal our physical bodies. John Perkins and the Dream Change Coalition are committed to teaching increased awareness on all of these levels to "inspire sustainability and earth-honoring changes in human consciousness" (Dream Change Coalition, 2003).

My heart has opened up through my experiences in the workshop with John Perkins and the indigenous teachings of the Shuar. Once again I have found my true power in letting go and allowing myself to be vulnerable. This is where my authentic self manifests intimacy and deep healing. My invulnerability lies in my vulnerability. I am excited to share my renewed purpose that includes following my heart and passion in writing a book. I invite all of my brothers and sisters, as part of my vision and commitment, to join me in shedding our skin and shapeshift from human doings -- striving for more of this and aquiring more of that -- back to compassionate human beings, in honoring all of mother nature and all of life in equality, oneness, balance, and peace.

Starting in September as a Certified Shapeshifter Practitioner I will be integrating many of the above facets into my practice, workshops, and writings. The ancient indigenous wisdom teachings and techniques (journeying and drumming) in John's workshop have inspired me to integrate and create a powerful experience called BreathJourneying. The synergy of combining Holistice Integrative Breathing with Journeying can increase the energy in shapeshifting powerful changes for my students, clients, and community. We will go into various journeys using the four elements to peel back the layers that hide our core self. We will be looking at and experiencing our dream, honoring the past, honoring the future, and honoring the present to heal and love ourselves. This can free us up for the ultimate shapeshift in extending love to others while honoring the balance of all of mother nature and her inhabitants.

In conclusion, I am convinced that this work can help all of us who have attachments that keep us stuck in our fear and separateness. When we allow our egos to control our intent it splits us off from everything in our world and spirit. This takes us further into a nightmare of arrogance and illusion. We can dream a more peaceful, loving, and joyous dream for ourselves. We can dream a dream of forgiveness for ourselves. We can dream a dream that fosters environmental, economic, and social balance. We all can dream a dream that shapeshifts our consciousness to higher levels of spiritual oneness. Together, one by one, we can change the dream!

P.S. Ask me or Starting Point about my new guided Holistic Integrative Breathing CD's!!

Starting Point News, Fall 2003


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