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Joy To Our Sinless Godselves!

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D., CHT., Reike Master

We are already perfect. Always have been, always will be. There is nothing we can do to change that. How could we not be perfect given that God or Spirit created us? And it would be insane for any conscious being to create something less than itself. Of course we can point to any number of people on this planet who act as if they have created children less than themselves. Just look at all the dysfunctional childhoods that many of us have suffered through. However, God is not insane! We project and make our own insanity. Our thoughts and emotions of fear, lack, and scarcity are not of Spirit. They are sourced from our fear-based egos. We are in fact Gods that have gone asleep into a dream and we are all dreamers of the dream. Said another way, we all think and manifest our own realities. We just have to wake up, realize that life is not a dress rehearsal, and become conscious of our Godselves. The truth is, we are sinless (or one), not separate beings, as our bodies would suggest. We are one with Spirit, one with all our brothers and sisters, one with the earth, and one with the universe. As a result, we have all the creative energy of abundance, joy, and love at our fingertips. Then we can wake up each day with more joy, passion, and appreciation by not taking life so seriously (A Course In Miracles, 1975).

Life is not meant to be a struggle. But we need to let go of our expectation of outcome and need for attachments. We need to allow ourselves to vibrate to the natural harmony of the universe. We need to be still and listen to our inner voice of Spirit. All of the answers lie within. Once we experience the connection with our Godselves we can live our lives with peace, love, and joy. Life is to be celebrated while we learn our lessons and journey back to oneness! The Taoists "tell us celebrate life -- pure and simple. They recognize that expressions of joy, such as laughing, smiling, and playing, release and expand energy" ("The Tao of Abundance," Boldt, 1999). This experience of expansive energy has been described by many as the experience of God.

Many times healing is required to wake up and become conscious of our Godselves. To experience abundance is to be in the experience of our Godselves. This is what healing is, our journey back to oneness, the wholistic state. We heal in relationship, all relationships, and all encounters. The people that push our biggest buttons are our greatest teachers and saviors. The key is to own our own shit! If our buttons are being pushed we have unresolved issues, conscious and/or unconscious. These are valuable lessons to learn if we want move toward and attain more peace. In order for us to get back to oneness, all of our brothers and sisters (all of humanity) have to come with us. Since we are all one in mind and spirit, all fragments of ourselves and everyone else need to be healed and brought back into wholeness in order to return to Spirit. We are always seeing unhealed parts of ourselves in others. The sooner we realize that, the sooner we will have more peace, abundance, and joy!

So as we engage in some of the sacred holiday seasons of November and December it is important to remember what sacred means to each one of us. To me sacred means connectedness with others, acceptance, inclusiveness, and innocence. In this same vein it is important to remember the diversity of all the holy days throughout the year in all spiritual traditions. The universal message is to manifest this abundance of love and joy throughout the year every day, every moment, all the time, to all our brothers and sisters. I'm reminded to be gentle with myself in this process. I'm working toward this state. But I need to do it in oneness, with everything and everybody. No exclusion, only inclusion. It is when I am in this inclusionary state that I can truly experience abundance as my birthright. And that is something I can celebrate steeped in appreciation everyday with joy!

What a joy to have such an abundance of diversity in varied cultures, spiritual practices, and lifestyles! Let us celebrate in Thanksgiving and gratefulness our oneness with one another! Let us celebrate all the sacred holy days all year round! Together let's sing a new carol: Joy to the world, our sinless Godselves have come!!

Yoga Living, November/December 2003


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