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Everyday Magic and Miracles

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

I thought this a good topic since it is the theme of my upcoming book. At least this is the title as it now stands. Everything is subject to change, EVERYTHING! In fact change and chaos is the natural state of the universe. Funny how most people want to fight the natural power and flow of the universe. Is it any wonder many of us are stressed out and tired? Look at what we are trying to do. It makes a hell of a lot of better sense to go with the flow. Learn to live within the organic energy flow instead of blocking and resisting it. Ever heard the saying, what we resist persists? This can be a great learning metaphor for accepting all that comes our way as lessons in growth. Whether we ignore the lesson (resist, reinforce the status quo) or embrace the lesson (accept, and change) determines what we manifest in our lives. We are the Gods of our own creations!

I think it was Gary Zukov in Seat of the Soul who said, "if you want to know what your belief systems are look around you at your life. If you want to change what is around you in your life you have to change your beliefs." Thought creates reality, or thought creates form. But the tricky part is changing our belief systems. It's not as easy as it sounds. Many things can get triggered as we attempt to change our beliefs. First of all, with change there must be disequilibrium, chaos, and confusion. Why? Because disequilibrium and chaos are a natural part of the change cycle in the universe. And confusion results from the transition period while we are engaging in new thoughts, behaviors, and actions. We are doing things differently and it will most likely be uncomfortable for a period of time.

Secondly, we have all our past garbage to process and release. These past thoughts, beliefs, and ways of doing things do not die easily when they are in our cellular memories and unconscious minds. The paradox is, if we start to trust the flow of life and the higher power energy of the universe, this transition can be much easier. We can't do it all ourselves. In fact, as a therapist, I've learned that people who don't have a connection to either their higher power or spirituality are the most stuck in the status quo. They fight any change even if it can bring them more peace and joy. We need to connect to our higher selves and turn our will or our desire for specific outcomes over to this greater energy force. This is where everyday magic and miracles comes in. It's the little things that count, one day at a time, one moment at a time. Everyday magic and miracles accumulate over time by living in the now, the present moment!

So what are everyday magic and miracles? The miracles are our changes in perception, which in turn change our world. How we see the world depends on the lens we look through. In order to change the lens many times we need a bridge, or training wheels so to speak. The training wheels are the magic. The magic is anything we engage in that helps to still our minds so we can open up more freely to the wisdom of no thought, or the knowledge of the collective experience of love. Magic could be meditation, tai chi, therapy, workshops, affirmations, etc. This in turn helps us to change our perception and repremise our thoughts to ones of love. Incidentally, the magic isn't necessary. However, what is necessary is turning our will over to our higher or greater power. We have freedom of will as part of being a child of God. We have the freedom to create any dream that we wish to experience.

In A Course in Miracles, Journey Beyond Words, and The Art of Spiritual Peacemaking, it all comes back to accepting our already perfect authentic Godselves. We all have the Christ consciousness inside of ourselves. We just need to remember this by waking up out of the illusion of separation. How you do it is up to you. All paths lead to the same place, some just get us there quicker than others. The key to all of this is a retraining of our minds, then feelings training as a bridge to catapult us into the experience of waking up or remembering our Godselves. All the spiritual masters are waiting for us for they all know that we all go or nobody goes.

So don't fight the flow anymore. It will save you thousands of years. Let go, turn it over, trust in the divine energy force. Work with it. It will not leave you comfortless. Open up your heart, become vulnerable. Know that your invulnerability lies in you vulnerability. Create a miracle. Change your perception. Engage in the magic if you like. Do what makes you happy. Just do it with the guidance and power of divine love. Call in the Holy Spirit to repremise your thoughts to ones of love. Embrace chaos and know that it is the natural process of change. Feel good about the confusion of not knowing. Get out of your head and into the experience of the now, free of the past and future. Know that everyday magic and miracles is a process with no timetable and no expectations. So just enjoy the ride with God. Wake up and claim your creation! It's much more fun to experience the empowerment and humility of the Gods we are than to reinforce the illusion of arrogant, powerless, and separate victims.


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