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by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

The aftermath has made its presence known. Many people are angry, devastated, sad, and fearful. What is going to happen now? Don't people realize what this administration is doing to the environment, to innocent peoples lives, to our human rights? I must admit I have been stuck in the muck since early Wednesday morning. However, there is hope! Real change is not going to happen through our political system, at least not now. For years it has been picking between which one is worse. Our system is broken. The only thing that will produce any lasting qualitative change is a paradigm and consciousness shift.

In times like this I am reminded of my slips into fear and away from love. I know what works. I have all the experience, metaphysics, and quantum physics to back it. I just need to get back to being it! I can practice it all I want, which is necessary, but I need to live it and extend it to everyone and everything. By it, I mean love, compassion, and forgiveness. And I can't be love if I have to be right. I can't be love if I engage in competition. I can't be love if I hate republicans or anyone else for that matter. I can't be love if I isolate with a select group of people. I can't be love if I'm going to project my anger outward on a group of people. I can't be love if I'm going to blame this on anybody outside of myself. I can't be love if I believe the election has anything to do with deeper real change. This is gut check time for me to see how I am still participating in the energy of separateness (sin), exclusivity, self-righteousness (arrogance), and illusion.

Real change will happen from the inside out. If I were engaging in real love, forgiveness, and compassion, the outcome of the election would just have been a biofeedback mechanism on where I am at in my growth. No judgment of myself or others, just a barometer of whether or not I'm really being a spiritual peacemaker. When I can truly be love that energy will affect other people without me having to say a word. Without me having to convince anybody of anything.

Sure the human species is on borrowed time with the environment. It's fact that in many cases it's too late and we cannot reverse the damage. And yes, killing and war has never worked. We've been doing it for thousands of years and somehow think that a different result will occur. We call that insanity in mental health. Don't forget equality, freedom and civil rights, it's all important. Yes! But the way we get there cannot be by coming at it with the same energy. Then we become polarized in a world of duality and oneness has no chance of happening. True love is the missing ingredient!

From a quantum physics point of view and from A Course in Miracles theology, we are one and we mirror and create everything. Thus, any real change happens by changing our perspective of ourselves, which in turn changes our world. We are the world. We are the projector and not the screen. Energetically, if we are angry, we are sending that energy out to be manifested somewhere. From an energy standpoint, it is no different than participating or being for the war. There is a major difference being for peace, than being against the war. If Mother Teresa were still around she would concur.

The only real way to influence the world is to resonate with love, compassion, and forgiveness. And then extend it to others as your divine birthright. It's the only way! Eventually we will collectively hit critical mass where a consciousness shift will occur as a quantum leap across the world. It really does matter what we think, feel and ultimately experience, as they are all involved in the quantum soup that creates our reality in form. It starts with me. And as I live it (love) and be it (love), I allow other people to experience it (love). I have to keep reminding myself that it's my choice. Do I want to be right, or do I want to be happy. Or put another way, do I want to experience fear, or do I want to experience love. It's not easy, but it is that simple!

If you are interested in reading about a hopeful present and future, read The Last Days of Ancient Sunlight by Thom Hartmann, The Cultural Creatives by Paul Ray, The Tai Chi Journey by John Lash, The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment by Thaddeus Golas, The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard, Journey Beyond Words by Brent Haskell, Emissary of Light by James Twyman, Global Mind Change by Willis Harman, Waking Up in Time by Peter Russell, A Return to Love by MaryAnn Williamson, and A Course in Miracles by the Foundation For Inner Peace . All have inspired my along my winding path.


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