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Quantum Physics and Miracles

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

Have you seen "What The Bleep Do You Know?" Have you seen "I Heart Hucklebees?" If you haven't I highly recommend both films. Both are excellent inspiring movies about the notion that anything is possible. As individuals, it's up to us to accept and embrace personal responsibility for everything in our lives. We are the creators. We are all part of God. We are all one.

Having two movies come out at the same time about personal growth and metaphysics is a sign of the shifting consciousness in the world. For those of you were or are upset about the results of the election, I assure you that we are not moving backwards. There must be more lessons for us to learn. Remember the lessons are how each one of us projects and participates in our energy dynamics with ourselves and other people. And things are getting better. Change is happening. It just hasn't materialized in form the way we would like it to yet. The important thing is to not be attached to the outcome. That just perpetuates another lesson. That's why it's so important not to give energy to the thought that all is lost now because of the election. Or to feel as though nothing matters and we cannot make a difference. Thought creates reality. Let me explain with the help of the films.

Our brains don't know the difference between our memory and what's happening now. Reality is what we think, feel, and then experience. Neurotransmitters are programmed to release chemicals based on our reactions to our past experiences or thoughts. So what we need to do is change our thoughts by consciously co-creating our day and changing our past programmed thoughts and responses. This will take time but it does work! We even have the science to prove it.

Quantum science also shows us that we are one. We are all connected through our minds. What we think and feel affects the whole. This is why personal responsibility is so important. The election is not what makes the difference. We make the difference! Nothing is outside of us. We are the projector. If you want change, change the disc inside your projector!

So one could ask, if the illusion of the world is not real then what is the purpose of it all? Why not just be selfish and participate in getting all we can get out of the world? What about good and bad? Dark and light? As seen in "I Heart Hucklebees" we need to walk with one foot in the real world and one foot in the metaphysical. Accept our dark side and transform to the light. Carl Jung would call this embracing our shadow self. "A Course in Miracles" would say to continue to do what you do, just do it with the Holy Spirit or God, and have fun!

Forgiveness is the laying aside that we are an ego, a separate entity. Forgiveness is the realization that we are in fact God. We create everything!! In "Journey Beyond Words," a companion book to "A Course In Miracles," Jeshua says, " Sometimes, as you begin to realize the truth of this Course, you reach a point which can easily be confusing. For you have accepted the notion that everything is an idea, that everything IS a product of your thoughts, and your thinking. Then you came to realize that the circumstances in your life, in whatever form they appear, are of your own choosing. And even though you often find that belief frustrating, you begin to feel a sense of freedom. You begin to feel that somehow you ARE in control of your own life — because you can say to yourself, 'yes, indeed, this circumstance is a product of my thoughts, and my thinking'" (Haskell, 1999). And, "the ego does not exist. You are not an ego. You, the Child of God, are beyond your thoughts about what you are. As you let go of those thoughts of what you are, you become truly free, free to spread your wings and fly through time and space, into eternity, to joy, and peace, and love" (Haskell, 1999).

So remember that miracles truly do happen through a change in perception, through a change in our thinking, and through accepting our divine nature as Godselves. We are what we think. Each moment we get to choose again. What do you choose? How do you really want your world to be? It's up to you and no one else. Quantum science is providing compelling evidence that this is true. Get out and see "What The Bleep Do You Know?" and "I Heart Hucklebees." Have an open mind and allow yourself to experience a new paradigm. We all deserve it! We are Gods!!

And, yes I do believe in Santa Claus!

Peace and Love Through Your Holiday Season,

Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.


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