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Can I Really Manifest? (Part I)

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

The answer is an unequivocal yes! Yet, many people have a hard time believing that we create our reality. Why is this so? Maybe it is because our ego has us convinced that we do not run the show. After all, if our lives are not the way we want them, then there are forces outside of our control. However, it is not our conscious mind that is manifesting for us if the unconscious is dictating something different. And don't forget the negative self-limiting little voice that operates somewhere close to us all day long. What are the messages we receive from it?

All we have to do is look at what our lives and circumstances are in our lives. Then take a good look at our core belief systems in conjunction with that “little” voice. Notice I said little but not weak. This is not as easy as it sounds. Simple, but not easy. What I am suggesting is that we already have all the data to prove that we are already co-creators of our reality. We have created our lives exactly as we want to experience them. Maybe not consciously, or with total awareness, but with full intent on some level. These are our lessons in growth. Ok, That's the bad news for some of us, rather many of us. The good news is we can change it! We can create a miracle. We can change our perceptions and core beliefs. We can replace self-limiting thoughts with self-empowering thoughts and create and experience something totaling different. How you ask?

Here's a recipe that's simple but not easy. This requires diligent but compassionate work at all four levels: Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. Each of these levels is important to address and bring into balance or wholeness. One cannot be done without the other. On the physical level we have to take care of our bodies. This means proper rest, nutrition, exercise, and bodywork. These are some but not all of the physical areas. In the mental realm we have to change our thoughts. We have to co-create our day, one day at a time. That's because all we really have is the present moment and all manifestation happens in the now. More on this next month.

Thoughts and cognitive change are not enough however since the emotional shit are related to our unconscious thoughts and energy. This is where we need to do the emotional regression work to release the emotional energy from our past and bring the limiting core beliefs to the surface so we can then consciously replace them. If we don't do this, our unconscious will continue to sabotage the mental work we are doing to alter our thoughts. And last but not least we need to have a spiritual practice or discipline. I cannot tell you what that should be, but it is of the utmost importance that you have a connection to a higher power so you are not trying to manifest all on your own. Without the higher power everything is ego based. Our higher power is our higher self. To get in touch with this we need stillness and silence. We need to get into the flow of the universal divine energy force and work with it not against it. We can't be attached to outcomes. Our higher Godself knows best. We want to listen to and follow our inner knowing. The spiritual piece is the glue that holds all the other pieces of the puzzle of wholeness together.

When we honor all four of these parts of ourselves, Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual, then we will truly manifest in cleaner, healthier, and more conscious ways. Then we will get that we are truly Gods and can chose to experience whatever our hearts desire.

Next month in Part II we will look at ten specific areas of our lives that need to be in balance for the manifestation process to operate in wholeness.

Personal Growth Alternatives Newsletter March 2005


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