Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

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Can I Really Manifest? (Part II)

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

There are nine different spokes on the Thought Manifestation Wheel that represent different areas of our life. These nine sections are: 1) relationship/family, 2) physical body, 3) money/material, 4) sexuality, 5) career/work, 6) emotions, 7) social/recreational/fun, 8) environmental/social responsibility/community/altruism, 9) spirituality. It is important that all nine of these areas be in balance in order to live a fulfilled life. As we experience a more balanced life our need to be attached to these nine areas will diminish and we will experience more peace of being. But before I go any further let's discuss the center of the wheel.

The center or hub of the wheel is the most important area. This is our committed action to the personal growth piece. It's about taking personal responsibility for every area of our lives. There are no excuses in the hub. Time is not an issue since we have the ability to make choices every moment. Without the center piece, the wheel looks nice, but will not manifest because the driving energy force is absent. The hub is what takes our motivation and intent, and transforms it into committed action. This is what being a co-creator is all about. God helps them who help themselves.

Now, there are critical parts of the hub that cannot be overlooked. One is the practice of non attachment of the outcome. We can put our intent out there and even get specific as to what we are putting energy into manifesting. However, we do not necessarily know what outcome is best for us or for our highest good. As a result, the manifestation may seem to be something other than what we had wished. Remember, everything happens for a reason. We may have some unfinished unconscious issues that filter the result into something different than our conscious level of intent.

The other part of the hub, which is also important, is the balance - the paradox of being gentle yet disciplined - and being in the flow of the universal energy force. So the bottom line is we have to take committed action, but not too much action. In quantum physics this is the incubation period. If we put too much energy out there we block the divine energy that is available to help manifest our dream. It's the same as watering a plant. Too much water and the roots will rot and die. Not enough water and the roots will dry up and die. A good dvd to watch relating to co-creation and quantum physics is "What The Bleep Do We Know?"

This leads us into the spiritual piece. The spiritual spoke is the glue that holds all the other parts together. It is also the area that ties most directly to the hub. In order to manifest we have to tap into the universal energy force and learn to work with it, not against it. In order to do this we must be present and still. This means a regular spiritual practice of breathing, meditation, prayer, yoga, tai chi, etc. is necessary. Be disciplined in a regular practice, but gentle if we miss a day here and there. We want to achieve balance and not more attachments. A healthy spiritual practice and healthy non attached committed action go hand in hand.

The other spokes on the wheel take time to ferret through. It is a process of discovering what we really want in our lives. Removing the blockages can sometimes seem endless. It is a process of bringing the unconscious to consciousness so we can become more aware and make different choices based on empowering thought and belief systems. Have patience. Seek support. This is a lifelong practice and is alien to most of us. This doesn't happen overnight and can seem lonely and frustrating at times. This is why I have developed a workshop (Igniting Personal Power: Proven Manifestation Techniques) and an ongoing practice, support, and sharing group to address the issues discussed in these two articles.

You can choose to remember your Godself. You deserve all that your imagination has to offer you. For you are Love.

Personal Growth Alternatives Newsletter April 2005


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