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Walking The Talk Or Hypocrisy?

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

This is the typical trap that the ego sets up for me. I'm either walking my talk or I'm a hypocrite! Sound familiar? Black and white. Right and wrong. Good or bad. This quagmire does not serve me or anyone else. In fact this sets up self-sabotage and failure from the start. We are perfectly imperfect human beings. Or put another way, we are perfect spiritual beings having a human experience, which require lessons that we interpret as imperfection, flaws, and failure. Our mistakes, however, are lessons in our growth. It is important to perceive them as such if we are to let go of our unrealistic ego expectations. It is then, and only then, that we can embrace our unlimited Spiritual Selves. This removes the blockages that allow us to walk our talk, but with a whole different energy than with the ego at the steering wheel. Let me elaborate.

When we participate in the energy of the ego, walking the talk is just the other side of the same coin as not walking the talk. For example, often we believe that I should do this or that, or when I accomplish this or that, then some aspect of me will be different. And because it is so impossible to attain perfection by the ego's standards, the only option left in an either-or ego world is not measuring up. So if we are doing our personal growth work while talking our walk, the ego may be beating ourselves up for not walking our talk. The end result many times, is the ego responding by labeling us as hypocrites. And the cycle continues over and over again as we continue to strive for the unattainable. Once again the ego has us caught up in insanity — doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. How do we change this you may ask? It's actually quite simple — lower our expectations and participate in the energy of the Universe, or our Spiritual Godselves, and not the ego.

Now this does not mean to fight the ego. Quite the contrary. Love the ego and acknowledge it by saying something like — thank you for sharing, but no thank you. Then choose differently in partnership with Spirit and the Universe. Let go of outcome and expectations. Be open to something unexpected and different. Allow yourself to see the shades of gray. Balance the energy you are putting out with the energy you are taking in. Don't try to do it all yourself. Real change happens on the level of healing the mind by changing our perception through God. This repremises our intent and expectation to one of pure Love. Love is the energy of the Universe. Love is the energy that will change our lives if we let go and participate with It! Now Love, or our Spirit Selves, is in the drivers seat, and we, or our ego selves, are in the passengers seat. This is what being a Co-Creator is all about.

Now we can walk our talk engaging fully with Love. This is a very different energy than the ego. The outcome is open-ended but always for our highest good! The good news is you can still do all the work on yourself to move toward different goals and changes in your life. The content of the work changes little. However, the energy that accompanies the work is alchemized to Universal Love. That means there are only lessons and learning on our path to remembering. Everything is perfect just the way it is. And as if by magic, it seems as though I am walking my talk in a way I never thought would be possible — with less effort, less energy, more compassion, and unexpected surprising results! And all of this through just starting to experience what it means to let go and let God — I Am!

Personal Growth Alternatives Newsletter May 2005


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