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Are You Committed? Are You Ready?

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

Funny thing this commitment thing! I swear commitment has an intelligence all of it's own. It knows! You may ask, what do you mean it knows? It knows if we are ready or not. We may say we are committed, go to therapy, read all the books, do all the workshops, get an advanced degree, etc., but we can't fool the "commitment intelligencer." The "commitment intelligencer" knows if we are ready. Ready for what you may ask? Are we ready to let go of fear and laugh in its face? Let me expand on and divulge a simple yet powerful principle of manifestation.

Risk everything about what you think is true about yourself, your situation, your history, and your belief systems! Dare to be wrong! Dare to be humble! Dare to let go of your ego and the pattern of being overwhelmed and trying to do it all yourself! Let go of thinking you're special and separate. Dare to be Divine! Empowerment is waiting for you if you are willing to surrender and risk! If you are not willing to surrender and risk, you are not ready!

You might think this is a bit harsh if not insane. However, my experience has shown me that I must surrender to everything that I hold as true and take risks if I am to experience true commitment to myself. When I do this my life blossoms into a manifestation magnet. Anything and everything is possible when I laugh in the face of fear. Let me be clear about this. I do not fight fear or engage in fear, for that is what the ego wants. I have fun with fear. When fear comes up I reframe it into another lesson from a humorous teacher. And I smile. So I ask myself what am I going to do differently? And I continue to do the things that I know make a difference. I do not allow slips in my behavior or discouragement to sabotage me. I see it for what it is, psychological fear. Not real, but made up by my ego, my patterns, and my history. It poses an opportunity for me to have some uncomfortable fun and choose differently. Thus fear becomes my ally, not my enemy. I alchemize fear into empowerment.

I in no way do this alone. I connect with spirit in the divine part of me. I then let go of control and outcome. I do this primarily through my practice of breathing, meditation, and thought manifestation techniques. I now do this regardless of what my ego says about my slips into unhealthy behavior. I take uncomfortable committed action. I become conscious about doing things differently. I am starting to experience everything as a part of the puzzle in living my divine purpose. Outcomes happen without attachment or expectation. As a result, I expect to enjoy the ride of life more regardless of the lessons and challenges. I am trusting more. I am living.

The bottom line is: I am ready. I am ready to commit to myself. I am empowered to create my life. I am ready to take risk regardless of the outcome. That is trust. I feel renewed and reborn! I have let a part of me die. The part that thinks it has all the answers. The part that thought I was special and separate. I've surrendered to the process and have begun to experience my divine heritage. The "commitment intelligencer" has taught me well! And to think all I had to do was risk everything I thought I knew about myself, my situation, my history, and my belief systems! Essentially everything that had me starring like Bill Murray in "Groundhog Day." All it takes is a simple, yet extremely powerful, personal paradigm shift! Let go and let God! Dare to be Divine, because we all are!

Personal Growth Alternatives Newsletter July 2005


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