Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

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Opening The Power Of The Heart Through Loss, Vulnerability, And Impermanence

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

Death has a way of opening our hearts. In fact losses of many kinds can affect our hearts. It is in these times of vulnerability that it is important to experience the power of an open heart. Nothing in human form can compare to this power for an open heart is where compassion, forgiveness, and love of oneself and others emanate. It is from here that we experience our collective oneness and remove the egos barriers of separation. At the same time it is a place where the ego reminds us of the impermanence of everything in the consciousness of form. This can be a lonely place if we do not stay connected to our Godselves for that is the only thing that is permanent and real. Everything else is a dream or a play, which we choose to be actors in for the purpose of reminding our brothers and sisters of their true divine and innocent nature. And it is from this place where we can follow each other back home to our oneness in Spirit with the Creator. "Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists, herein lies the peace of God" (A Course In Miracles).

The only way home is through the heart. That does not mean it will be an easy or "fun" journey at times. However, if you truly want to manifest your heart's desire, then you will have to let go of your ideas about expectation, attachment, and control. The only way to keep our hearts open and experience true Godself power, and create and manifest, is to change our perception of the way we -- think it is supposed to be. It is what I call "The Experience Of Getting It" And we may get it while losing people and things or while feeling hopeless and like shit. Remember this is just a stage on which we are choosing to perform so we can create a map to follow back home. The heart is our compass. The map is our collective lessons and experiences we learn from through our sisters, brothers, and universe. Trust is the fuel that propels us on our life purpose and mission. Our intuition and heart keep us on track. Our ego continually steers us off course and tries to convince us that fear is what's real, and that separation and death are the only way to end suffering. I can tell you from first hand experience though, that genuinely feeling and experiencing suffering is the only way to ease suffering. This is what opens our heart to Love. This is what authentic Mo Jo is about.

As I sat on the beach in Ocean City, NJ in August and September, I was constantly reminded of impermanence. As the waves washed upon the sand whatever footprints or sandcastles were there disappeared in an instant. And every time the waves washed up the design of the landscape of the sand was altered, never the same. This awareness stimulated deeper and more painful experiences of recent loss and grief. My heart ached. My dreams and expectations seemed to drown in the ocean waters. How could this be happening? I've manifested a more balanced life, I'm breathing and meditating regularly, I'm asking for help, I'm turning it over, I'm slowing down and listening to messages, I'm trusting my intuition and acting on it. What gives? The part I've not gotten yet is my valuing process. With everything I am doing and being I still have a judgment that my life as I know it and value it should not be manifesting the way it is. Says who, my ego? My little self that thinks it knows how it is supposed to be? The self who does not think that loss, pain, suffering, and loneliness is part of the process? Get real!

This process is part of my lesson in owning the power of my vulnerability, releasing attachment, and learning to keep my heart open. How can I manifest an authentic, balanced, and purposeful life without feeling what's emanating from my heart? This isn't a thinking exercise. Sure, thought is part of it, but not at the expense of the affect of the heart. Feelings are the bridge that link our thoughts to experience. Without authentic feeling we cannot experience trust, and without trust we have no fuel to manifest. Sometimes what seems as our darkest moments is when we are the most powerful and closest to "The Experience Of Getting It!" And because it's the egos job to create fear and separation, then convince us it is protecting us from fear, it will many times convince us to quit when the pain gets really intense so we don't get it. If we got it the ego's job description would be changed. The ego would become supportive in operating from our heart -- for the truth is, that our power lies in our vulnerability and our invulnerability lies in our vulnerability.

So I invite you to manifest to your hearts desire. Don't get confused as to what that means. Stay out of your head, let go, turn it over, and don't have any expectations as to how it should look and be. Our Godselves will guide us from pure and innocent intent, so we have to slow down and listen to our intuition. Our intuition is our Godselves communicating to us. All of the universe and our brothers and sisters are our teachers on the temporary plane of form. Don't judge and value our experiences as good or bad. Allow the mind to heal itself through Spirit. Be vulnerable with yourself and others and allow your heart to authentically feel. This frees us up to be present in the moment and embrace impermanence. And that, my friend, is when we open ourselves to the possibility of "The Experience Of Getting It." -- a powerful knowingness that our permanence of Spirit lies in the impermanence of our human form. Wow, the humbleness of the Gods We are! Doesn't that want to make you just cry?

Personal Growth Alternatives Newsletter October 2005


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