Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

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Reiki And The Old School

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

For those of you who know me, I am not one who always believes in the old school. However, when it comes to reiki and teaching certifications I can't help but think and feel that practice, application, and thorough teaching is what molds a student into a seasoned, committed, and competent practitioner. I was taught both reiki and transformational breathwork I, II, and III in this way and I will continue teaching my students with the same philosophy. Let me explain.

Here is the structure of how I learned reiki: reiki I Saturday 9-6 and Wednesday nights 7-9 for eight weeks for a total of 25 hours. We did the same thing for reiki II. For reiki III we did one weekend Saturday and Sunday 9-6 and Wednesday nights 7-9 for 16 weeks for a total of 50 hours. Transformational breathwork followed a similar structure. I am grateful that John O'Connor at The Starting Point in NJ took the time to teach us in the way he did. It was thorough and we had ample opportunity to practice and apply the skills we learned. No, we were not learning reiki like they learn it in Japan (many, many more hours), but at least it was taught in a professional traditional academic certification format.

I do not teach it quite the same way as John did with my group, but, I get in all the hours and require my students to do additional hours and reporting for reiki III. Reiki III as I was taught, is the masters level, however, I do not believe we are masters at anything until we master it through years of practice. John used to say that in Japan you have to be an active reiki III practitioner before you can be a master. I am appalled how anyone can become a reiki master taking a one weekend course. It cheapens the art. We are healers! Do you know of any professional certification in any field that makes you the highest level of their trade from start to finish in a weekend?

I say this because we as healers in the alternative spiritual realm are watched closely by the mainstream. People are opening up and becoming more interested in what we are doing. We need to provide a good and professional example. Nothing replaces thorough teaching and practical application, nothing! That's the old school.

I consider myself rather thorough when it comes to teaching. Ask around if you like with people who have taken my workshops. I have a lot to share and teach. In fact, recently someone asked if I could put together a workshop that would teach all the things I teach in reiki I that she did not learn in her reiki I certification. I'm happy to provide the material that she did not have the opportunity to learn. However, I am concerned at a deeper level about how we are teaching sacred spiritual healing techniques. In the academic and educational world there would have to be so many hours, a detailed outline including all the relevant material, an evaluation, and finally it would have to be approved by a governing body. Do we need a regulatory governing body or can we do it on our own. I wonder sometimes?

And finally, I would like to see more reiki practitioners take advantage of reiki shares. Reiki shares are an opportunity to practice and learn from other practitioners who learn form other teachers. It is also a time for people who have not experienced reiki to have a mini session. We offer free reiki shares at the chakra shop in Fairview Village on Germantown Pike just west of rte. 363. The next one is Monday November 28, 7-9pm. Call 215-658-1093 for directions and questions. Anyone can attend but please call ahead of time to reserve a spot as we have a limit.

Please take advantage of what is being offered. Be discriminating when looking for a reiki teacher. Ask lots of questions. Challenge yourself a bit. Did you look for the easiest and least expensive school or did you consider their reputation and curriculum? Sometimes there is just no replacement for the old school. These sacred traditions deserve our respect. You deserve your own respect. Commit to taking the time to learn reiki thoroughly. Use your intuition and heart as a guide in attracting your reiki teacher to you!

Personal Growth Alternatives Newsletter November 2005


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