Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

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Taking Risk In 2006: Time To Take The Other Fork In The Road!

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

It really is time to radically change, whether you like it or not. Time is running out, for ourselves, our children, our grandchildren, the animals, the plants, the trees, the ocean, our freedom, peace, and our lives as we know them on mother earth. This is not an article on scientific facts about the state of the world and our species. There is a bevy of solid science and sourced information concerning the precarious fragility we have approached with the above. This information is readily available to all of us who are willing to let go of denial and muster the courage necessary to take responsibility and action. Change is never easy. We have become accustomed to certain ways of living that are not in balance with the whole. It will require a radical paradigm shift to take the other fork in the road.

We, meaning each one of us, have to take the other fork in the road. This happens from the inside out. If we are not walking our talk, how can we expect anyone else to change? It's hypocritical and sending messages to the universe to manifest more of the same. Haven't we had more of the same long enough? Aren't you getting sick and tired of participating in insanity? If you think change will happen all around you while your own life and lifestyle remain unscathed then you're a part of the problem. Why not choose to recreate your life differently now, rather than waiting for forces ultimately telling you how you have to live your life? I would rather be a co-creator than a victim. I would rather be a part of the solution than part of the problem. So what will it take to saunter down the other fork?

It will take risk, pain, and feeling uncomfortable, and a lot of it. That's the downside. But the upside is huge. We get to create our lives the way we truly want them. By truly I mean in alignment with our Divine Self. Now one may question this and say my life is the way I want it now. Is your life in alignment with your higher self? Are you regularly extending love, compassion, and forgiveness? Do you feel one with everyone and everything? Do you experience pain as lessons in growth and healing? Do you take personal responsibility in everything you do? Have you let go of the illusion of separateness? If you have not answered yes to all of the above then you still have work to do. And here is a humbling thought; Buddha, Jesus, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, and Mohammad would not have said yes to all of the above.

With this in mind I implore you to take risk in 2006. Break on though to the other side, your divine side. Take the fork toward oneness. Manifestation is much easier when we are connected to the universal energy. The ego is not present when we are experiencing oneness. Which means what you want will be different also. The risk involves letting go of worldly things and trusting in the Divinity within. The other side of the fork is not a well-traveled path. It will test our strength, commitment, and faith. It will not feel pleasant at times. But it will be well worth it. It offers peace, love, compassion, and forgiveness. It offers the security of our eternal spirit. It offers the possibility of critical mass manifesting throughout the rest of the world! That in and of itself is worth the admission to the other fork in the road!

Personal Growth Alternatives Newsletter January 2006


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