Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

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It's Time To Stop Playing A Small Game And Start Playing A Bigger One!

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

A while back in my men's group we had an evening where the theme that predominated our sharing was how we play small in life. We hold back out of fear. We don't put ourselves out there far enough to enjoy the successes we deserve. And then we have regrets for not following our hearts, our intuition, and our dreams. In short, we regret not taking the risk of playing a bigger game. Well I'm here to tell you and myself to stop playing a small game and start playing a bigger one!

All we really have is now. There are no certainties about tomorrows. There will be no perfect time. We need to get out of our heads and into our hearts! Stop talking about it! Put your intent out there! Find people to support you that will not buy into your bullshit. Ask to be held accountable for taking action with your dreams. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Don't let your ego rob you of your passion. Be a model to your friends and family. It's contagious!

We are all capable of so much more than we are currently engaged in. Does that mean we have to work harder or smarter? Not necessarily. It may mean we have to engage in stage two change instead of stage one change. Stage one change is doing quantitatively more while expecting a different result. Which can be defined as borderline insanity if not running a marathon on a treadmill. Get the point? Stage two change, on the other hand, is doing something qualitatively different. Changing the paradigm if you will. Sometimes it means doing something similar but going about it completely differently. Usually this involves taking greater risk, raising the stakes, and staring our greatness straight in the eye. This can be very uncomfortable, especially if one has fear of failure, scarcity, and worthiness issues. Can you and I really be that successful and have that much of an empowering impact on other people. You bet we can!

I get these Sufi emails from a friend. One that caught my eye recently was sent out on January 22. It's called Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan. You can go to to subscribe. This particular one is entitled, "Failure comes when will surrenders to reason." In the commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan, he talks about the relationship between faith and failure. "It is man's lack of faith that generally causes failures. In faith is the secret of fulfillment or non-fulfillment of every thought. There is no doubt about the fulfillment of a desire if man's faith works with it. But when one's own reason and doubt come and destroy the hope, one generally meets with failure. ... there are numberless people who are thinking and reasoning all their lives, asking themselves, 'Shall I do this? How can I do that? How can I overcome these obstacles? And all the time they are thinking of the hindrances, or waiting for suitable circumstances to arise, and they never do. Their whole life may be spent in the pursuit of something which reason prevents them from attaining."

Thus, the only thing keeping us from playing a bigger game is us. What is your mind focused on? We need to retrain our minds. We will manifest what we concentrate and focus on. Do not give energy to the illusion of your mind's hinderances. Obstacles are meant to be overcome. We decide whether to perceive something as a problem or as a challenge in growth and opportunity. It's the difference between playing the small game of our life or the bigger game of our life. It's up to us. The bigger game requires more personal responsibility for what you create and manifest. The smaller game is directly our responsibility also. But here's the thing, and I want you to hear me loud and clear! The success, passion, and growth stimulated by the bigger game forces us to look at all our shit that has been blocking us and let it go! Are you ready for that? I know I am! And I feel a greater responsibility to model unlimited possibility versus limited possibility. Are you ready to be a model and mentor? Yes to that for me too! Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get started. Please now read my Professional Message on this page to see what I am putting out there in the community.

Peace, Love, and Your Hearts Desire,

Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

Personal Growth Alternatives Newsletter February 2006


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