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Devotion To Spirituality As An Extension Of Commitment

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

I sometimes get skeeved out when I hear the word devotion. Being a psychotherapist, I've often observed that when people speak of being “devoted” to someone or something, what they actually describe is co-dependency or another unhealthy behavior. In addition, I consider myself in recovery from dogma and religion.  Therefore, blind devotion to a dogma or religion that has been altered by man, for man, sends up all sorts of red flags. Thus, as you will see, devotion can be unhealthy if it is not balanced with a strong sense of self. Healthy devotion to spirituality is non-attachment and an extension of healthy commitment. Healthy devotion falls into the grey area. Let me explain.

Generally, spiritual devotion follows once we have made a commitment to ourselves. A problem may occur, however, when we become attached to our devotional practice. For example, there was a time when I was so devoted to my meditation and breathing practice that I would let nothing get in the way of it. In fact, I felt as though I had to breathe and meditate every day in order to keep connected and balanced. Thus, my devotional practice was becoming just another obsessive behavior. When I missed a day I was miserable, like I didn't get my fix. I have since changed my attitude and approach to spiritual devotion.

I have learned that my spiritual practice can be taken out into the world in many forms, all of which include extending love. I am devoted first and foremost to my spiritual self, which is far more encompassing than just my meditation and breathing practice. This is the grey area I alluded to earlier. I am now devoted to all of my spiritual practices. When I can, I breathe and meditate. But when I can't, I am still at peace as I extend love or experience stillness and connection in other ways. I am not attached to it being any one way. As a result I am devoted and present with Spirit regardless of what I am doing. Thus, I am devoted to being, for I am the Source.

Now don't get me wrong -- I love meditating, breathing, and connecting to Black Panther, Red Tailed Hawk, and Jesus. I've just broadened my experiences with them and with Me. In fact I consider myself now genuinely devoted. Everything I do helps deepen my connection to the Love of God. And since I'm less attached, I get to be present with my true Self more than I ever have before. Thus, I experience more love, joy, and freedom! If devotion does not result in more love, joy, and freedom, then it is probably unhealthy or attached devotion.

"The result of genuine devotion is inspiration, a word which properly understood is the opposite of fatigue. To be fatigued is to be dis-spirited, but to be inspired is to be in the spirit. To be egocentric is to be dis-spirited, but to be Self-centered in the right sense is to be inspired or in spirit. The truly inspired are enlightened and cannot abide in darkness. You can speak from the spirit or from the ego, as you choose. If you speak from spirit you have chosen to 'Be still and know that I am God'" (A Course in Miracles, pg. 52).  This is what I meant when I said I am much more devoted to my spiritual self or Godself. I am inspired in all areas of my life as a result of being healthy Self-centered and able to tap into God in all ways, at all times. This is a direct result of my devotion to being still and knowing that like you, I am God.

So know that genuine devotion to spirituality may be very different than you may have learned. It's not as difficult as many of us think.  Remember that WE ARE THE SOURCE!  It's great to talk to our spirit guides but they are, after all, US!  Devotion is balance, the grey area, and non-attachment. It happens after we truly commit to ourselves in healthy ways. It is a letting go process. All devotional practices can help if we let go of expectations and “have to's”.  And remember, true, healthy, and genuine devotion results in inspiration, extending love, and the experience of joy and freedom. As the Gods we are, anything less is UnGodlike!  And that's Healthy Self-centered!

Yoga Living, November/December 2005


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