Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

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Laughing with the Collective Human Shadow

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

We all like to laugh, right? At the same time, we all have a different sense of humor. What is funny to one is not necessarily humorous to another. However, one thing is for certain, laughing heals! It heals physical problems as well as emotional and mental maladies. So, it is therefore my hypothesis that humor can help us accept the shadow part of both ourselves and the human condition, and promote healing so the shadow can be integrated into the whole self to reduce resistance. In order to truly do this we have to be able to feel the nervous energy of shock or surprise and allow ourselves to surrender to the uncomfortable feelings of laughter that may ensue. Let me explain.

First I would like to say that I am broaching a potentially very sensitive and controversial topic. However, I am a firm believer that what we react to is our own shit. There is a difference between what we think and what we act on or believe. We cannot fight or repress our thoughts. What we repress will manifest in us somewhere. There is a time to be serious and a time to laugh. We live in a world of duality. We all have a shadow side. If you don't think you do you are in deep denial! I often say, “ Wake up! Life is not a dress rehearsal! Now that you are awake lighten up and don't take life so seriously. You might as well have fun acting out on the stage of life.” It is important to achieve a balance of seriousness with fun and play and be able to laugh in the darkest moments of humanity. Acceptance and validation releases the pent up energy.

Once again, this in no way means I am condoning the acting out of our darkest thoughts and nervous or “sick” humor. Now that's a judgment right there and probably one that keeps many of us from feeling, exploring, and showing our dark or shadow side. The dark side is not bad! It is not good either. Its just part of the duality of the human condition. Remember we are one. That means we share everything with each other, the good, the bad, and the ugly. None of us are saints. And the more we try to attain "pure goodness", the more ego is involved with valuing and judgment. True healing occurs by asking Spirit to reframe our thoughts through love, compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness and to help open our sacred hearts. This is true surrender. It's letting go of control.

I welcome and invite you to explore your shadow side. Laugh at the horrors of humanity. Stretch the envelope. See if you can really allow that part of you to express itself through humor. Call in God to witness the laughter of the dark side of humanity and your "shameful" thoughts with you. Ooops, another value judgment. By the way there is nothing wrong with shame if we can feel it and let it go. And what better way is there than to release it through humor. Some of the humor may even seem sarcastic. Whoopee, I get to feel anger, and release shame, fear, guilt, and loneliness all at the same time through laughing at that "horrible" part of me that I judge in myself and others. Damn, did it again. Guess its just habit, or maybe I'm just a bad person. Whatever! Let's just get over it and laugh at how fucked up all of us are in the human experiment. And if your response is I'm not fucked up then I guess I was wrong and there are saints out there. However, that challenges the idea that we are all one. So I'll leave you with this one question as an indicator of your questionable sainthood. Do you experience every single human being on this planet as healed, whole, and as loved and forgiven by you? This also means you have no anger, guilt, shame, fear, or loneliness and you do not experience separation of any kind. I didn't think so.

In closing I would like to share that a comedy routine sparked this article. It really got me to thinking how we take life too seriously at times and need to experience a collective uncomfortable laugh with ourselves and the human species. Expressing the forbidden and inappropriate sometimes can free us from the shackles that manifest our repressed thoughts and feelings. It was my intent to stretch the envelope with my writing in this article. Sharing and witnessing is a very powerful healing potion. And let's face it, we are a pretty fucked up species! We might as well laugh about it, accept it, and integrate it. After all, what else has worked?

Personal Growth Alternatives Newsletter March 2006


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