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The Truth And The Matrix Revisited Part II

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

I am asking for feedback on both articles, Part I and Part II, to create a dialogue and conversation about supporting each other in community, marked by our similar experiences of truth and reality. For those of you who did not read my article last month you may want to click on the link above and read “The Truth And The Matrix Revisited Part I” before you read Part II. There may be parts of this article that do not make sense in the larger context without experiencing the first article.

We can take back our power in groups, in community. Of course this takes a diligent level of commitment. It takes courage. It takes the energy of passion and compassion. We can dream a more powerful dream together. We can make a difference. Our children, our children's children, etc., are counting on us. It is customary in Native American tradition to consider the ramifications of how our decisions will affect our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren seven generations into the future. In addition, Native Americans are concerned with how all of the other precious life beings will be affected on Mother Earth, including all the Earth Elements.

As I have stressed so many times it all starts from inside of each one of us. That is where true change occurs. But it helps to have a support network of like-minded people who can pool their energies together. Then, we don't feel so alone. When we work together it exponentially multiplies the energies. This facilitates and speeds a collective consciousness shift. And, do I dare to say that with the rapidity of change happening and the increasing polarity of energy, we need to bolster the shift to love, compassion, and forgiveness. For with that change in perception all else would fall into place. We would find that the chasm between the polarities would lessen and that living both inside and outside of society would begin to diminish as more and more people bridge the ravine of separation. Miracles would begin to be more of the norm as the illusion and hologram of the matrix starts to flicker, revealing the eternal truth underneath.

I believe we have reached an apex where the benefits of living our truth on this auspicious path outweigh the risks. The greater risk is who we become if we deny our truth, if we deny our love, and if we fail to express our Divinity within. As I said in Part I, for many of us there is no turning back. There are many more of us sharing this same experience than we think. It is critical for us to find each other and come together for ritual, support, and ceremony. We cannot do this alone, and to not do it would be a violation of our soul and our Spirit. We need not be discouraged, sisters and brothers, when we have each other. Let us reach out with our hearts and hands to each other and guide one another in all aspects of community.

And so I ask all readers of this article to speak to me, respond in some way to let me know you are out there wanting the world to be different. I need feedback and community conversation. Ultimately, that is what I envision in manifesting a healing and community spiritual center. A place where we can gather in support and encouragement while we create a miracle from within in unison and extend our energies outward into the world. There is no other way. It truly is an inside job. But it is easier with support and community. We are all one. The microcosm affects the macrocosm. Please call or email me your thoughts, feelings, and ideas. In closing I would like to share one of my favorite A Course In Miracles quotes:

"Nothing real can be threatened
Nothing unreal exists
Herein lies the peace of God" (ACIM, 1977)

Our truth cannot be threatened. The matrix is not real. It's time to come home to Love!

Personal Growth Alternatives Newsletter May 2006

The Truth And The Matrix Revisited Part I


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