Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

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Ask And Ye Shall Receive!!

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

Most of us have heard this before, right? And many of us have probably responded sarcastically at times before like this; yea right that really works well! Well I'm here to share with you that it does work and we all have the data to prove it!! Everything we have in our lives on some level, whether conscious or unconscious, we have asked for so we can have an experience and learn from it. This includes relationships, our situations we find ourselves in, our past and history, our work situation, our health, and I could go on and on and on. There are no exceptions!! We are never victims of random occurrences. We are Goddesses and Gods. To perceive and experience ourselves as anything less than Divine beings leaves us victimized, disempowered, stuck, and perennially playing out the tapes and excuses like Groundhog Day. Or, at least until we GET IT!!! We are LOVE!! There is really nothing else to get than this.

Are you pissed off yet? I know I was when I finally got it. Now I'm working on remembering who I am. I deserve all that's available for me to experience in the world of form. For, I am an innocent Love man who channels and extends abundance outward to all. Abundance is our birthright. Spiritual beings attract abundance into all areas of their lives and extend it to others. It's a continuous flow of Love. The key is to be clear so the Love can flow unimpeded. Remember we have free will. The energy of God and Love will not usurp that free will. That means if we are having less than loving thoughts about ourselves and others, or have unconscious blocks, or a closed heart, or we are not able to feel, we are going to manifest something different that what we thought. Remember, what we want on one level may not correspond to what we want on another level. Ah, thus the lessons, the silver platters for growth. The good news is we can choose again differently in each moment. The other news is we have to do our work in being diligent and vigilant in changing our thoughts while coming from an open and sacred heart.

I'm here to share with you that this takes both integration and simplicity. The integration is the mind, body, and spirit, or emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual work. This can take time depending on our readiness and willingness to face and feel our fears. Then we need to embrace all our fears with Love. This is an unraveling process of the ego that can take years or happen in an instant. Of course when it does happen it always happens in an instant. Who is ready for their instant? Who is ready to transcend? As we are transcending back to our innocence and Divinity the process becomes simpler because the ego is becoming more of an ally with us. Ego becomes the loving servant to our Higher Selves. Love becomes the only purpose for our being here. Then and only then do our lives work effortlessly, in the flow, synchronistically, and without attachment.

Make no mistake about it! Ask and ye shall receive. Just be careful what you are really asking for. It is not failure that we fear. We are seasoned experts at failure. Failure are just ways we are finding out it doesn't work. And each time we fail we are that much closer to success. What we really fear is success. With success comes change and greater responsibility. It means playing a bigger game. It means being held accountable. It means remembering the Goddesses and Gods that we are and have always been!!! I'm finally getting it. Who else would like to join me with open hearts manifesting abundance in Love?

Here are some of the resources I am using to remember that I am God and Love and manifest abundance: “The Way of Mastery” (Shanti Christo Foundation,, “A Course In Miracles,” “The Science of Success” and cd's, dvd's, and workshops conducted by James Arthur Ray, (James Ray International,, “The Hidden Messages in Water” (Masaru Emoto), “Empowerment: The Art Of Creating Your Life As You Want It” (David Gershon & Gail Straub), “Hiring The Heavens” (Jean Slatter), “The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success” (Deepak Chopra), “Manifest Your Destiny”(Wayne W. Dyer), “What The Bleep Do We Know” (Dvd, “Down The Rabbit Hole” (Dvd,, and “The Secret” (Dvd,

I welcome your thoughts and comments. I am excited to share, witness, and join with everyone to experience these truths of Love. First and foremost I invite you all to an Open Meeting Sunday October 15, 2006: 2-5pm!!!
The time has come! I am passionately inspired and excited to announce the beginning of a new birth: There will be a focus group/brainstorming meeting Sunday October 15, 2006 from 2pm-5pm at Communitas, A Center for Health & Transformation, LLC, 201 Sabine Ave., Suite 100, Narberth, PA. for practitioners or anybody interested in potentially becoming a part of Personal Growth Alternatives: A Healing, Education, And Community Spiritual Center to be located somewhere in the Main Line and/or South Jersey area in 2007. Please RSVP by email or call me at 609-332-4663. Let's fill the room up at Communitas!!

In addition, for anyone interested in applying these principles in a support, application, and practice group format I am organizing an Igniting Personal Power: Proven Manifestation Techniques group starting Friday October 13, 6:30pm-8:30pm at Communitas, 201 Sabine Avenue, Suite 100, Narberth, PA, 609-332-4663. This group will meet either once or twice a month monthly. This group is for you if you:
1) Desire to take control of your life
2) Are ready to regularly apply proven spiritual principles
3) Want abundance and prosperity in your life
4) Are committed to yourself
5) Want to participate in a mastermind group

Personal Growth Alternatives Newsletter October 2006


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Personal Growth Alternatives, LLC