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An Attitude Of Gratitude Attracts Abundance!

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

How many times have we heard, we should be grateful for what we do have. Okay, let's take out the should and be grateful for what we do have. Why? Because being grateful is intertwined with the law of attraction and the law of abundance. What we focus on we will attract more of. All events are neutral. It is the value we place on the event that gives it meaning for us. So if we want to attract more good into our lives we must interpret or perceive the good we already have in our lives. We can either see the glass as half empty or half full right?

This is a great time of year to focus on gratitude with Thanksgiving inching upon us in the coming weeks. Give thanks for we truly are blessed! Concentrating on our problems and what we don't have will not only make us miserable and victimized, but it will also magnetize us to attract more of the same so we can continue to complain and wallow in lack. Spend more time with people who support you, are upbeat, who take action, who look at the glass half full. The more we raise our vibration, the more we will attract people and events in our lives that mirror that energy. Get the picture?

Try a little experiment this Thanksgiving if you happen to be visiting family that tends to migrate toward the glass being half empty. In my family that would be putting it mildly. For whatever time you spend with these loved ones over the holidays look at it as a laboratory experiment in keeping your vibration high. If you want to read a book on this I recommend “The Lazy Man's Guide To Enlightenment” by Thaddeus Golas. You can read it in an afternoon. No matter what your family members say or do, or be, just bless them, send them Love, and reframe anything that is negative to the premise of gratitude. Then just sit back and observe. Frankly, I'm not sure what will happen with them, but I am more interested in what will happen with you. Since you are the one creating your reality, I would be willing to guess that you will have a very different experience this Thanksgiving. It is a lot better than witnessing and joining with pain, negativity, problems, blaming, and victimization! Try it and let me know how it goes.

Now some of you may be skeptical about this attitude of gratitude attracting abundance. That's alright. All that is needed is a little willingness and very little belief. This is about just doing it and seeing the proof in the pudding. I have learned that my intellect (ego), will give me all the reasons not to do something. Especially something that seems so simple. I have found that when I apply these basic principles of gratitude in my attitude, good things start entering into my life. You see instead of constricting with my ego in fear, I start to expand in my heart with Love. And the expansion of Love is where all abundance flourishes. Sounds simple doesn't it? Practice expansion and extending Love and see what happens with your vibration. Check back with me and let me know what you start to attract into your life. Don't take my word for it, create your own personal experiment and see for yourself!

Peace, Love, Light, Joy, and an Abundant Thanksgiving,


Personal Growth Alternatives Newsletter November 2006


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