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Do We Thank Our Soldiers Or Not?

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

I've decided to write about a very controversial subject that has been posted back and forth for weeks on a listserve I belong to. Normally I do not respond to such subjects because so many of us are invested in our opinions and beliefs. In other words, our judgments! Now let me be perfectly clear (boy that brings back memories of Tricky Dick, another major corruption) before digging myself a hole I cannot get out of. I judge like we all judge. There is no escaping it in black and white terms. However, I am working on judging less so I can bring more peace into my life. And by bringing more peace into my life I extend more peace to others and receive more peace back. Giving and receiving is the same thing. That's the way the universe works.

So do we thank our soldiers or not? I think it helps being a couple's therapist when looking at this question. I never take sides because I can truly see how each person could see it their way. Once again there is no right or wrong, only different perceptions. My friend who posted “thank the soldiers for what?” was brave in speaking his truth. We could all practice speaking our truth a little bit more. The key is to speak it with compassion and love. My friend witnessed several attacks from his statement along with other varied opinions. My first reaction was to agree with him, but I have learned to sit with reactions before speaking and saying something prematurely.

So here it goes, another opinion. Not right or wrong, just another little self-viewpoint. I am going to do my best to couch this response within the framework of "A Course In Miracles" ACIM (Foundation For Inner Peace, 1975) and "The Way Of Mastery" (Shanti Christo Foundation, 2000). These two publications are the foundation of how I espouse to live my life, and girl, is it a challenge. A worthwhile challenge I might add. We all have choice! In Taoism we only defend ourselves if there is a direct and present threat to family, our friends, or ourselves. And if we have to hurt anyone it is with deep regret and sorrow. And if there is war anywhere in the world it is the Tai Chi person's fault because they have lost the way of the Tao or the Oneness. This means that if we have any thoughts of harm or violence, and we all have, that energy gets sent out to manifest in some form whether it be rape, murder, abuse, or a soldier fighting for their country. We are all responsible, so get over trying to be in denial about it.

Now I do not condone violence under any circumstances, neither do any of the spiritual masters. It is man and I do mean man that made dogma out of spiritual teachings to justify killing for "the cause." However, from the interpretation of ACIM and The Way Of Mastery, all events are neutral and Love is the only thing that is real. Everything else is fear based on illusion and separateness. Now this might seem all airy-fairy to some of you, but in my experience, it is true beyond belief. So I choose Love as much as I can.

I can truly say that if I were younger and drafted into the service now, I would go to prison instead. And that is a choice! If I had to kill another I would kill myself. I would not be able to live with myself. That's just who I am. Does that make our soldiers wrong for killing? No, they are doing what they have to do given what lessons they need to learn. I have plenty of other lessons to learn that may have already been mastered by many of our soldiers. There is no hierarchy in lessons. There is either fear or Love. And attack and fear is a call for Love. So I do not support war under any circumstances. War is like the movie Groundhog Day. Same result; insanity. I also do not support out troops for protecting out country because I believe our country is less secure because of the war. However, I do thank our troops for their belief they are protecting our country and doing what they feel is right. There is no right or wrong here. And I am not above anyone else because I take this stand. It is what it is. I can admit I still have murderous thoughts (projecting my anger, like thinking of giving somebody the finger when they cut me off in traffic), which means I am still part of the problem. I become part of the solution when I call in Love (or the Holy Spirit in ACIM, or the Comforter in The Way Of Mastery) after or before my murderous thoughts. The energy of Love dissolves all fear.

Even though I might disagree with the way people and soldiers express their fear (war, violence, etc.), I still have my own war going on with my thoughts. There is no difference. I'm still part of the problem and vigilantly working on being part of the solution (extending Love and creating peace). So I thank our soldiers for believing they are protecting our country and doing what is right. Let's bring all the soldiers around the world from all of the different countries home safely. Let's end war. It doesn't work. It just prolongs the inevitable. Let's also get clear that we all have choice. There is no victimhood. Victims are disempowered because they believe the problem is outside of themselves. This is never true. We are all one. We are all mirrors. And I Love you all!

Peace be with you throughout the holiday season and forever!

Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

Personal Growth Alternatives Newsletter December 2006


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