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What Is Real Love?

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

Some of you may think this is an obvious question. That is fine. It is my experience that love is defined and perceived very differently by many people. This is not about being right or wrong. It is however, about healthy versus unhealthy love, inclusive versus exclusive love, and unconditional versus conditional love. In addition, at the highest vibrational level Love is the Divine energy of all spiritual traditions. In this space, Love is expansive, all encumbering, and one with everything. There is no judgment, no separation, no morality, and thus no right or wrong. All events are neutral. It is our interpretation of worldly events that gives them meaning to us. That being the case, I suggest you perceive wisely, for your peace and freedom depend on it.

In order to experience this Divine Love we must feel. Love and God are synonymous. We are Love, and we are all Goddesses and Gods incarnate! "Deny not the role of feeling in this dimension, for feeling is everything! You cannot even know the presence of God unless you feel it. You cannot think about the presence of God. You cannot insist on a belief about the presence of God. That does not do it; that does not fill your cup. Feeling fills your cup. Feeling—unbridled, unblocked, unobstructed feeling -- is the doorway to that Love that sets you free! Knowledge is reality and reality is Love" (The Way Of Mastery, 2004).

It is when we experience the Divine Love within that all other illusory forms of love are unmasked. Love that is not unconditional, inclusive, and expansive are egoic creations of special love and separation. By special love I mean, I love this person more than that person. Or the love that I feel for my partner makes me feel whole. Keep in mind that we are all going to participate in degrees of special love in human form. The idea is to move along a continuum toward unconditional love, less specialness, and more inclusiveness. Healthy Love is finding the Love within, connecting with God or Spirit, and extending this Love outward because it is our nature to celebrate our wholeness and oneness. "Therefore, you -- as a body and as a mind -- abiding in space and time on a tiny planet, you are reality's decision to manifest itself in form, for no other reason than to extend its own nature. The happiness of the soul depends on its decision to extend only, that which is loving" (The Way Of Mastery, 2004).

How do we tap into this innate part of ourselves you may ask? How do we be Love? "Because you are the manifestation of Reality itself, of Knowledge itself, of Love itself, it must mean that at any given moment, there is within you part of the mind that yet remains free from the ego's authority. That part of the mind in which there already abides perfect peace; that part of the mind in which there already abides perfect certainty; that part of the mind in which there already abides the willingness to extend Love without attachment. There is already within you that part of the mind that can deliver up to you the answer for each decision. The answer helps to extend Love, first into your own beingness, and then through it. For you can only give what you first receive. And in your giving receiving is completed" (The Way Of Mastery, 2004). Thus real Love is given or realized in the self first, and then it is organically extended.

This realization of real Love has been a powerful remembrance for me. When things get complicated and fragmented in my life, all I need do is have a little willingness to call in Spirit to help remind me that I am Love and all my brothers and sisters are Love too. We are all one, or to put it another way, Christ is God's only creation and we are all Christ. "Therefore, indeed, beloved friends, if you would look to see what the purpose of your life is, it is quite simple. Being only Love, you can have no other purpose than to extend the treasure of your very Self. I am one with my Creator -- now. I choose to fulfill my purpose by extending only the reflection of my Self, and I am but Love" (The Way Of Mastery, 2004).

So if our purpose is Love, and we are all Goddesses and Gods, and we are all Christ, then what is this whole human experience on the planet earth about anyway? "The things of space and time are seen and embraced as that which is given of the Creator to the son, to the daughter, in order to be utilized as devices for assisting Christ to extend Love. It does not matter whether it is a pencil or a computer or a trip to your grocery store or a party in which you invite your friends to come and play. All things finally come to be seen as having only one purpose: the extension of Love" (The Way Of Mastery, 2004). Wow, sounds like everything is an opportunity to extend Love. And being that all events are neutral, we can choose to interpret everything as a call for Love. Now that is what I call true Love, true peace, and true freedom. God Bless!

Yoga Living, January/February 2007


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