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Soul Talks, Heart Opens, Spirit Responds: Voila, Mindful Abundance!

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

Wow, you mean manifestation is this simple? Well, almost, simple but not necessarily easy. When we tap into the innate wisdom of our souls, anything is possible. As a result our hearts will open and then radiate this soul wisdom outward. This always facilitates the extension of Love. Love is the key to manifestation. Love is the energy that manifests physical form. And because we are Goddesses and Gods incarnate, and God/Goddess is Love, Spirit responds by saying your wish is my command. All it takes is a change in perception, an open heart at the soul level, and poof, I'm experiencing mindful abundance in all areas of my life. Simple enough huh?

Now here's the snag. Events are always neutral. Thoughts are never neutral! We must be vigilant with our thoughts. Our thoughts and languaging will sabotage us if we are not careful. This applies to both the conscious and unconscious mind. Unfortunately, the unconscious mind is at the control panel. The idea is to make more of the unconscious conscious and take back our personal power. We can do this through hypnotherapy or other methods of regression to release negative energy from our past. It is our past learning experiences that create the unhealthy thought and feeling patterns in the present. We think, visualize, feel, and experience our past pain and trauma thus anchoring it into our attraction and manifestation patterns. Guess how we change the pattern? We think, visualize, feel, and experience our past pain and trauma to unlearn, release, and to re-learn and re-anchor new healthier thoughts and feelings thus enabling new attraction manifestation patterns to take hold. If you have a better method, let me know because I have never experienced anyone truly changing and healing without going through this process. Feeling is the key to manifestation and feeling is the key to reversing the process. The neurotransmitters get rewired over time and then we change the energy we attract.

The other work we need to do requires us to create a space to observe and listen to our thoughts as they happen and intervene and reframe any self-defeating or self-sabotaging thoughts. This requires diligence. I have found that the method that allows us to be the most neutral witness to our thoughts is a stillness discipline. An integrated spirituality practice allows us to glean ancient wisdom from many traditions and integrate them into our own stillness practices. We eventually start to merge with the thoughts of God. All healing takes place here. This ignites the spark of our soul's passion and correspondingly opens up our hearts. Love pours through us and reawakens us to our Divinity. True personal power and mindful manifestation is the result!

Please join us in "Radiating Soul Wisdom" at the 28th Annual Life Spectrums Conference this summer. You can learn and experience these principles described above in my workshop "Integrated Spirituality: The Spark That Ignites Personal Power, Passion, and Manifestation" July 13th & 14th. This is the unveiling of this workshop, which will become a book and CD series. If you learn to apply these principles consistently, your life will never be the same. The choice is yours. What do you really want? Are you ready to step up to the plate and truly commit to yourself? The only thing waiting for you is your unlimited Divine greatness. As MaryAnn Williamson says, "It is not the darkness we fear in ourselves, but the brightness of our Light!" Let's radiate that light outward from our souls!

Life Spectrums Conference 2007 Winter Newsletter


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