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A Vehicle And Model For Paradigm Transformation Part II: My Vision!

By Rusty Stewart, Ph.D..

I'm going to start off with a rough draft of the vision statement for this holistic educational, spiritual, and healing community center. As a writer I am aware this may be one in a line of many rough drafts, but this is how our dreams and visions are seeded. This is a result of my intent! This vision statement will be worked on in the next month or so by myself and partners in the community. So here is the first rough draft:


We create and hold a safe spiritual and sacred space where intimacy, connection, and re-awakening flourish within the center and community. We provide holistic healing, education, integrated spirituality, and community through a diverse array of classes, programs, support groups, and events. We partner with other centers and organizations in creating a new paradigm web of non-competition and promotion of everyone! We practice, model, and teach this successful abundant financial transformative paradigm with all individuals, cultures, businesses, and organizations worldwide.

We model and promote abundance, prosperity, gratitude, cooperation, collaboration, consensus, inclusion, empowered humility, diversity, social justice, equality, holistic integration, joy, and having fun! We model environmental sustainability through our green building and environmentally conscious decisions. The for-profit part of our center is a cooperative economic partnership with a horizontal organizational structure. The non-profit part of our center provides opportunities for grant funding and other services to offer and extend into the community. Everything we do as a center is an extension of Love!

We manifest our vision through extending Love, forgiveness, compassion, and peace while experiencing and respecting the commonality and oneness of all life, energy, and consciousness. The results of our vision manifest through the brightness of everyone's light and re-experiencing ourselves as the Love we are!

So here's the beginning of a conversation for something different. I encourage your participation and contribution. This is just what I have accumulated over the years by listening to other people. Remember, there are no original thoughts! This holistic educational, spiritual, and healing community center will be founded on the following principles: Love (the absence of the illusion of fear), abundance, cooperation and promotion of all (other centers and community talents), including people in the community that are not directly involved with the center (non-competition), inclusion (all are welcome at the center), sustainability (environmentally green), horizontal organization structure (collaboration in decision making), partnerships with other centers and organizations (possible revenue sharing and joint ventures and events), memberships (clustered services and programs), community outreach, trade work programs, integrated spirituality (the absence of dogma), diversity, peace initiatives, social justice, a safe haven, and other various profit centers (healthy café and bookstore, etc.). This is not an exhaustive list by any means.

I left the above part of the first article in this article to clarify my intent in the vision statement and stimulate dialogue and feedback. I am excited and energized as this new baby is in the visioning process right now. Once the vision, mission, and purpose are created the center will enter the incubation period of manifestation. Please come along for the continuous ride of your life. It is indeed the ride of Love! It is Living and Owning the Christ we all are! All we have to do is ask for the obstacles of the ego to be removed and "your wish is my command!" OUR CENTER IS A DONE DEAL!!! LET'S CELEBRATE!!!

Peace and I Extend Love to all of you,

Rusty (Christ Shiva Das)

Personal Growth Alternatives Newsletter April 2007


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