Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

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The Vitality Mentality

By Rusty Stewart, Ph.D..

I just got back from the "Harmonic Wealth Weekend" with James Ray. He is one of the people in the DVD "The Secret." If you have not seen it, or do not know what I'm talking about, then get the DVD! You can purchase "The Secret," or his book "Practical Spirituality" I am referencing in this article, from James Ray's website through his link on my homepage at Basically, we want to have vitality in all areas of our lives, financial, intellectual, relational, physical, and spiritual. In order to attract what we want into our lives we need to visualize and really feel the emotions as if we are already experiencing it in our lives. This is the simple version and not really the purpose of this article. However, if we want to live our lives to the fullest and reach our potential as Spiritual Beings having a physical experience we have to experience personal power and vitality. James Ray stresses in his book "Practical Spirituality" that "Living a life of power is the increased ability to collect, condense, and escalate your energy (CCE). You will experience the ability to CCE when your entire being is firing on all cylinders: the body is flexible and strong, the mind is focused on the positive, and the Spirit is connected to the Divine" (Ray, 2005). So if you want to tap into your power and vitality you better address all of these areas!

In order to experience vitality we need to take care of our bodies. That means we need to eat the foods that give us healthy energy, exercise our muscles, stretch our muscles, do cardiovascular exercise, get plenty of rest, and do the wellness/preventive steps to keep us at the top of our game health wise. I now have a personal trainer to learn different and more effective ways to train my body without hurting myself. I also just got back from my first visit with a new chiropractor/nutritionalist Dr. Marc Schwartz that uses an advanced method for testing imbalances in the body called Nutri-Spec. After years of searching for solutions he figured out most of my problems in one visit. Now it will take months of dietary changes and some supplements, but my problems will finally be solved. I'm basically cutting out all acid producing foods, eating healthily, and cutting out all coffee and caffeine. I attracted this knowledgeable holistic practitioner into my life because I am ready to heal and I am taking my life to the next level. This means I need to tap into my personal power and vitality. The body is important! I don't care how spiritual you are. Most spiritual masters are warriors. They take care of their bodies in all ways.

Thoughts are just as important. After the James Ray weekend I am really, for the first time, taking total responsibility for my thoughts and emotions! Now, I have become vigilant with my thoughts and am not letting my emotions get the better of me. I acknowledge my emotions and then choose to feel something different because my emotions are coming from my thoughts. Change my thoughts and the emotions change. My past does not equal my future. I have also incorporated passionate visioning into my days and combined this with my breathing techniques. This gives me a boost in the morning and before I go to bed, the two most important times to plant seeds about how I want to co-create my day and my life! I have noticed a significant rise in my frequency and vibration as a result of thinking positively, reframing what I want in the present, and living my life as if I already have it. Wow, what a difference!

Finally, if we want to tap into our power as spiritual warriors, stillness and silence are essential! Many people use ritual in their spiritual practice to raise their state of consciousness. But rituals are not really necessary; they just point us in the direction. Stillness and silence are mandatory, or we will never fully tap into our power and vitality. "While you may be able to advance your consciousness without ritual and rites, I guarantee you will not stand a chance without regular, consistent time of silence. And interestingly enough, this may be one of the most foreign practices with which you must become familiar. Power manifests in silence. Noise (your ego's first love), on the other hand, is diffused power" (Ray, 2005).

So there you have it, a short beginners guide to raising your vitality and personal power! Remember, we must always practice the humility of "beginner's mind." That is what is enabling me to heal and play a bigger game, the game we call life! A holistic approach is inclusive. Power and vitality can only be achieved by such an inclusive and integrated approach. A life of power incorporates a healthy diet, exercise for muscle strength and tone, flexibility, rest, and relaxation: the complete and total preparation physically, mentally, and spiritually to escalate energy. Prepare yourself to raise the amps, warrior—use your body, mind, and spirit as a tool for power and vitality (Ray, 2005).

Rusty Stewart, Ph.D., Yoga Living, May/June 2007


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