Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

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KABOOM!!!! The Paradigm Ego Buster

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

Forget about holding on to the cookie in the cookie jar and getting our hand out too! It won’t happen. Why, because we have to let go of the cookie in order for our hand to become small enough to fit through the opening. Metaphorically, this is the same with pursuing change in our lives. The new paradigm will support bringing in the change we seek, but does not always support holding on to what we want to keep. It is our attachment to people, places, and things that binds us. Our ego thinks it knows what’s best, but it does not. The good news is that the universe and our higher self does. Trusting the process and having patience can be another matter though, especially when the KABOOM detonates!

You may be asking at this point what the KABOOM is. Let’s just say it is the universe responding to your requested change process, or something new you are committed to bringing into your life. Then the universe obliges us by literally blowing up and shattering parts of our life! This is very similar to the Goddess Kali and the dismemberment and death of the ego, a very fearful and painful process. However, it is also a rebirthing and renewing process. Let me explain. The paradigm that is presently holding our lives together will usually not support the new changes we say we are committed to manifesting into our lives. So one of two things must happen. Either we will not attract the new life we say we want because we are not willing to let go of the old, or, we will attract real change thus demolishing our old life. We can’t have our cake and eat it to. We must clear out the old and make way for the new.

Now this may not be good news for many of you, and I’m right with you! I’ve found out through my experiences in the past year that necessary demolition needs to take place before I can build a new life. Painful lessons are not bad lessons. It is my interpretation or perception that would judge them as bad. Painful yes, bad no. And here is where the stumbling block is for many of us. We give up pursuing our goals and our dreams when the going gets tough. We start losing our patience. We convince ourselves that we need to stop our process because the rest of our life is falling apart. Well, no shit! The life we are presently living is of a lower vibration than the one we desire. So it’s time to get out the jackhammer and explosives. Our vibrational foundation has flaws or weaknesses in it. We need to be aware that many times the pain, sorrow, loss, and grieving are just prerequisites to change that elicits a higher vibration of the good, the beautiful, and the Holy. We just need to trust, practice patience, and know that this too shall pass while remaining committed to what is really important to us, no matter what!

This takes us back to the importance of tuning into our higher self and intuition. For me, at least, it means slowing down, breathing, and meditating regularly. This allows me to listen to the truth in the messages of what is really important to me. When I get clear on that, I can commit to the “no matter what” part of the above sentence! Does the pain subside? No, but I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. I can accept the lessons as lessons and not be a victim of circumstance and judgment. I can feel the light amid the pain and allow my healing to occur. The healing raises my vibration and secures a new paradigm and spiritual foundation of trust and possibility. Yea, this manifestation stuff really does work. It’s just disguised sometimes as my ego. KABOOM, I really am Christ Shiva Das, Rusty is the illusion.

Peace to you all in your personal paradigm ego busters! Remember, it’s just a necessary temporary KABOOM for your rebirthing process! Think of it as a remodeling of the self. Trust and have patience, we are all worth it! And stay tuned for our community “open house” to celebrate all of our new and higher vibrational paradigm structures! More details to follow in the October newsletter.

Personal Growth Alternatives Newsletter September 2007


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