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Change Your Interpretation And Reap The Harvest!

by Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

Some of you may already be doing this or being this. Many of us have grown up in families where the glass was frequently or always half empty or in some cases bone dry! This will perpetuate and attract more of the same people, places, and things into our lives. Simply put, we become victims of circumstances and events because we expect them to occur over and over again. It becomes our legacy and our story line. In essence, when we change our perception and look at the glass as half full instead of half empty we will start to bring a new energy into our lives. It is this new energy and paradigm that attracts different people, places, things, and new and often astounding results into our lives. Is it really this simple? Yes and no. Let me explain.

Our thoughts are just one part of the equation. We have to feel the new interpretation as if it has already happened and experience being the painter of our canvas of life. We are the source of what we create and attract. It is our thoughts and emotions that will create then manifest our destiny. We cannot fake it. What I mean by that is we must really know deep down that we are the authors of our story. We must feel and experience the empowerment that follows our changed thoughts. Essentially, we must reap the harvest at every opportunity. All seeds of experience lead to success, Love, peace, and fulfillment. All thoughts, feelings, and emotions lead to the exact experience that is in perfect alignment with the associated frequencies we have put forth. Like frequencies attract like frequencies. When we raise our vibration, we will attract higher vibrational people, places, and things. When we engage in lower vibrational people, places, and things we will lower our vibration and waver back to victimization. Make sense?

We make our own bed and sleep in it, plain and simple! All events are neutral. It is our perception of them that gives them meaning. Every moment we get to choose again. The question is do we want to choose our empowered Goddess Self (Love), or our limited victim powerless self (fear)? The truth is, it doesn’t matter what our history and story has been up to this very moment, we can chose to change the meaning of our story in favor of planting seeds for the good, the beautiful, and the holy. Love is the energy of creation and manifestation. Rewriting our story is one of embracing the Love that we all are! Every moment provides a new and fresh opportunity to choose again and choose differently if it serves our highest good! Remember, this doesn’t mean it will be easy or we would already be doing it.

So I encourage you to accept what is, feel the gratitude for what you do have, and let go of expectation and judgment. Look at your story and chose to rewrite it with the glass half full. Reap the harvest and perceive your happenings this year as seeds and stepping-stones to even greater things and unlimited possibility. Look at everything that happened as new doors of possibility and new ways of doing things differently. Step out of your comfort zone. Be in the uncomfortablness of changing your paradigm. Be in the excitement of the unknown. Be gentle and patient with yourself. You are of God! You deserve to attract and have the good, the beautiful, and the holy. NOW is your opportunity to author your life on the best sellers list. Make it so everybody wants to be in the presence of your energy. We truly can have it all when we come to the realization that we already have it all. All it takes is a good editor so we can once again wake up and remember that we are Love, Love is all there is, and Love has no limitations!

Peace, Love, and Joy,

Personal Growth Alternatives Newsletter October 2007


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