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ArticlesWhat Vibrational Level Do You Want To Calibrate
By Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.. The material presented here is from a phenomenal book on kinesiology called “Power vs Force” by David R. Hawkins, M.D. The information that he writes about has transformed my attitude and life. It has enormous practical applications in all areas of our lives. Perhaps David summarizes it best with the following blunt but so brutally honest statement. “THOUSANDS OF CALCULATIONS and innumerable calibrations drawn from kinesiologic testing of individuals and from historical analysis indicate that the average advance in level of consciousness throughout the global population is little more than five points during a lifetime. Apparently, from untold millions of individual experiences in one’s life, usually only a few lessons are ever learned. The attainment of wisdom is slow and painful, and few are willing to relinquish familiar, even if inaccurate, views; resistance to change or growth is considerable. It would seem that most people are willing to die rather than alter those belief systems which confine them to lower levels of consciousness” (Hawkins, 1995). Wow, sad but in my experience, true! This book is on James Ray’s required reading list as a prerequisite for his Quantum Leap weekend workshop. Between the weekend and this book I have had enormous results in my life. Fear has significantly decreased, attachments to unhealthy behaviors have in some instances ceased. I am healing and vibrating higher. I am letting go and “all out” going for it! Of course I am incorporating all this wonderful wisdom into both my coaching and psychotherapy practices to ignite a quantum leap in personal growth. I can calibrate anyone and anything, and so can you with enough practice and reading his book. So what do the different numbers mean? Here is a summary of the different calibrations from the Map Of Consciousness on pages 52 and 53. Starting at the bottom 20 is shame, 30 is guilt, 50 id apathy, 75 is grief, 100 is fear, 125 is desire, 150 is anger, 175 is pride, 200 is courage, 250 is neutrality, 310 is willingness, 350 is acceptance, 400 is reason, 500 is love, 540 is joy, 600 is peace, and 700-1000 is enlightenment (Hawkins, 1995). This is a little taste of these levels. Nothing is absolute. We can go in and out of these but we spend the majority of our time and energy in one of these areas until we jump to another level. Raising our calibration takes work. It takes vigilance, discipline, and commitment to our processes and ourselves. Above all it takes trust, trusting the process, trusting and loving ourselves, and learning to put ourselves first. Power is not for everybody. Force is the easier option. Force is taking
a position. Force is couched in blame, violence, and is outward focused.
Power, on the other hand, is taking a stand. Power takes true commitment,
is non-violent, is about self-responsibility, and it is inward directed.
When we get to a place of power we are not afraid of death because we
get that death is not real. This is the place that all great teachers,
masters, and change agents have ascended to. When we no longer fear death
all there is is the passion of living life “full on” as James
Ray would say! Nothing, but nothing can stop us. The seeds have been planted,
watered, and fertilized. All that’s left is growth. We are either
growing or we’re dying. There is no in between. Which side do you
want to be on in your life? What do you want to calibrate at? What legacy
do you want to leave behind? What is your higher purpose in being here?
Are you ready to birth conscious answers? Get started reading “Power
vs Force.” Reclaim and own your power and raise your consciousness
to love, joy, peace, and enlightenment. The time is NOW! |
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