Rusty Stewart, Ph.D.

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Riding The Waves

By Rusty Stewart, Ph.D..

Who likes to ride the waves? Sounds like fun huh? Your enthusiasm may drop off a bit however if the waves are not of the ocean but rather of emotions and energy. Both are inextricably linked. Emotions are energy in motion. I have found that the waves of energy in the world and universe have been intense lately. As a result I have been much more emotional and yet surprisingly more clear. Let me explain.

I believe that much of the turmoil in the world today is the result of changing vibrations and energies in the universe and their effect on planet earth and her inhabitants. I also experience this as being a positive shift to a higher consciousness level. However, our physical bodies and our human frequencies on the earth plane are not used to these new energies. As a result, this causes many emotional shifts, especially for energy sensitive people, healers, meditators, and people that are in touch with their inner selves. For more unaware people it can show up as erratic behavior or perhaps trying to hold onto the status quo for fear of losing control and the unknown. In addition, if you refer to my professional message, the astrological alignments have been providing challenging energies for us too! The clarity is showing up because we are getting sick and tired of being sick and tired. Thus, we are accessing our truth like a lead sledgehammer on the side of the head!

So what does all this mean? I believe it means that it is time to come together. It is time to become a cohesive, peaceful, and loving earth community. We are entering both interesting and fragile times. Interesting in that we are about to witness a profound change of consciousness with humanity. Fragile because change is not met with welcome arms by the status quo and is new and unfamiliar even with the most aware of us. This shift will require trust, intuition, and Love to navigate through the murky waters of change. That is exactly why we need each other. This is not time to isolate, to try to do it alone. We need everyone.

For years I have been teaching people to Love themselves first and if you end up alone then so be it. I am changing my tune on that a bit as I am realizing the energy that will be required to show up fully for this human consciousness-changing event. We need to be focused. We need support. And many of us will need special partners and partnerships to wield the energy necessary to hold the light and ride the waves! I’m talking Sacred Relationship here. I’m talking deep connection, and similar frequencies so we can plug into each other with Spirit to increase the wattage of the light of Love. I’m getting the message that this will be necessary. Once again, this is no time to go it alone. It’s time to wake up, do what is necessary, and turn on the light. We are stronger when we join!

At the same time this will be a challenge for many of us who have not healed enough of our family of origin issues, past lives, and ultimately the lessons we are supposed to learn in this lifetime. For many of us who have become attuned to energy and spiritual work we may find ourselves more discriminatory as to whom we are attracted to. I cannot emphasize strongly enough that we must not settle in relationship, for we have been settling far too long in many other areas of humanity that require honest intuitive integrity. It is time to ask for what we want! It is time to take a stand! It is time to join with partners that are spiritual warriors like ourselves. It is time to celebrate our like energies with each other. It is time to clear out what no longer serves us and listen to the calling.

Briefly before closing I would like to share an experience I had which I will never forget and was life changing for me. A Godddess came into my life out of nowhere. I knew intuitively that she was different. I also knew that our energies were compatible. I knew this by her aroma. I knew this by her voice. I knew this by her eyes. I knew this because she is fun to be with. I knew this because I could sense her vibration. And, I knew this because I could just be me without even thinking of being otherwise. No small feat as this has always been a difficult energetic gap for me to bridge. For the first time in my life I experienced energetically what has been the missing ingredient in my past relationships. Unfortunately, current circumstances make it difficult to pursue a healthy committed relationship with each other. The gift is that I am clear what I need for a deep energetic tantric connection. The hope is that I will find that again with her or another Goddess. In the last three months I have gained clarity that I am tired of being single and doing everything myself. I also know that what I do in the world and community takes energy and resolve. I want to come home to the support of someone on the same path. I know my work and influence in extending Love to the community and the world would be brightened by riding the waves in Sacred Relationship.

I’m ready to accept the challenge of guiding humanity as a lightworker. I’m also asking for what I want and asking for your support. We all need to do this and join together on all levels. Change is happening as I speak. Let us guide this higher consciousness shift with the least amount of fear as possible. Let us all remember that Love is who we are and we are all one. And in Love’s experience, we can shapeshift the dream to whatever we want. How about peace and Love? Will you join me?

Peace and Love,

Rusty Stewart, Ph.D. (Christ Shiva Das)


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