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Responsible Releasing Of Karma

By Rusty Stewart, Ph.D..

Many times we use Karma as an excuse to stay in our victimhood. Have you ever heard somebody say, “Oh, I can’t do anything about that, it’s my Karma.” My question is how do you know that? For me, Karma are the lessons we are to learn in this lifetime and many times we don’t know what those lessons are. In addition, we may not know if we are ready to learn a specific lesson or even if the time is right to learn that lesson. Everything is whole-istic and thus all the parts interact with all the other parts and the whole. Sometimes in order to learn another lesson we must put some of our Karma on hold so to speak. This is all happening unconsciously all the time. The goal is to practice more self responsibility and bring more of our Karma to our consciousness. It’s like bringing darkness to light or like bringing light to our shadow self. The good news is, we have ways to determine whether we are ready to learn from and/or let go of parts of our Karma and learn the lesson. Let me explain.

I have recently been facilitating Psych-K, have been studying the work of David Hawkins, and been attending James Ray seminars. All of these methodologies and people use muscle testing or what is more technically called kinesiology. Muscle testing is using the wisdom of the body to answer questions. The most common way to muscle test is applying light pressure on an outstretched arm parallel to the floor. If the arm tests strong the arm will hardly move. If the arm tests weak the arm will move down more than if the arm tests strong. Everybody is different in how they experience muscle testing. In other words, some people experience a large difference in the movement of their arm between strong and weak. Some people require more applied pressure than others. The important thing to remember is to find a qualified practitioner who is experienced in applying successful muscle testing. Kinesiology is being used by many chiropractors, energy workers, body workers, and various practitioners to bypass the ego and access truth in the body.

Muscle testing can also be used in personal growth with belief statements. In Psych-K muscle testing is taking a goal or belief statement and testing whether we believe it is true or not. This process bypasses the ego and accesses the higher consciousness and the unconscious mind. Our consciousness is ego based and cannot be relied upon to give us accurate answers to our questions and goal statements. A typical goal statement may be “I attract available woman into my life easily and effortlessly.” In Psych-K if the goal statement tests weak then we ask the higher consciousness for permission to balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain so that the goal statement tests strong. If we get a weak response with the arm asking for permission to balance the goal statement one could say we have accessed Karma that is not ready to be released for the highest good of the individual. In other words, there are more lessons to be learned and that limiting belief statement will aid in learning those lessons. In this case the limiting belief statement is “I attract unavailable woman into my life easily and effortlessly.” However, if we muscle test strong when asking the higher consciousness for permission to balance the belief statement, then we are growing and potentially breaking Karma. Essentially we have learned our lessons with the above limiting belief statement and are ready to balance it so the goal statement is true for us.

My experience with muscle testing is that it is always accurate if done properly. Muscle testing is easy to learn and just takes practice to become proficient. I recommend three books that talk about and give examples of muscle testing: “Power vs. Force” and “Transcending Levels of Consciousness,” both by David Hawkins, M.D. David Hawkins work was highly touted by Mother Theresa and Wayne Dyer can be seen at many of Hawkins workshops in the front row taking notes. The other book is “Psych-K…The Missing Peace In Your Life” by Robert M. Williams, M.A. The more we muscle test in all areas of our life the more we can consciously raise our vibration. Higher vibration has a way of bringing our Karma into consciousness to organically clear it out and bring more peace and possibility into our lives.

In the work I am doing with James Ray ( we are also learning how to screen everything in our lives so we can practice more conscious choice as to what we allow into our energy field. Once again, we screen using muscle testing. We screen music, food, movies, people, places, and things. This also helps to bring our Karma (triggers and lessons) to our conscious awareness and practice more responsible decision making for our highest good. James Ray draws much of his information on muscle testing from David Hawkins.

In closing I would like to challenge all of you to bring your Karma to a higher conscious awareness. I feel it is the responsible thing to do for those of us that truly want to transcend levels of consciousness and really make a difference from the inside out on this planet and universe. If we are to break or release our Karma, we need to learn our lessons. We can do this by letting go of our egoic needs to do it a certain way. If we surrender to our higher consciousness and our unconscious mind, we can clear out a good chunk of our stuff quickly and effortlessly. We can take goal statements that are not currently working for us and balance them out rapidly and efficiently. There are no limits, only lessons. Are you ready for your Karmic release? Muscle testing can answer that question and much, much more!


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