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Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Who Deserves My Goodwill Most Of All?

By Rusty Stewart, Ph.D

Whoever is looking in the mirror deserves goodwill most of all. Why, because our outer world can be no different than our inner world. If you do not see yourself in the mirror then you are probably a vampire since they don’t see their reflection. All kidding aside, you must plant your own seeds of goodwill inside yourself first. Then nurture, water, and organically fertilize your own internal goodwill in order to reap the harvest of extending authentic goodwill. So what does this look like?

Creating our individual purpose, vision, and mission statements are a great place to start. This provides us with an organic template that supports us in staying true to ourselves. Along our path we will encounter many challenges and many thoughts and emotions that can potentially sabotage our focus. Extending goodwill is impossible when we sabotage what is important to us. I have found in my own journey of empowerment that it is essential that I heal and accept the unconscious shadow parts of myself that steer me away for my true purpose, vision, and mission. Accepting is the beginning of the surrendering process that releases me from my own bondage. Here are some methods for healing unconscious sabotaging beliefs: PSYCH-K, EFT, The Sedona Method, Ho’o Pono Pono, and much of the work of James Arthur Ray from The Secret. Find what resonates with you. James Ray and PSYCH-K have done wonders for me at releasing my deep seated fears and limiting beliefs.

James Ray says that we have to go three for three. “Going ‘3 for 3’ is what happens when your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions are all firing simultaneously and in alignment” (James Ray, Harmonic Wealth, 2008). When we engage in these three for three processes we are coalescing our energy to support what we say is important in our lives. When we integrate this with the unconscious release of limiting beliefs, we have a manifestation machine at our Divine fingertips. In essence, we are promoting goodwill within ourselves. The critical areas to address with our internal goodwill are: thoughts and emotions, relationships, sexuality, physical, work and career, financial and material, social and recreational, community and social and environmental responsibility, spirituality, and time and committed action. We consciously develop our vision from these 10 areas. We find our purpose through our own internal meditative processes. Our purpose drives us, inspires us, and motivates us. Our purpose is why we are here. Our mission is the vehicle that manifests our vision. Goodwill is finding harmony in each of these 10 areas and being true to ourselves first and foremost!

When we are living our purpose and mission and manifesting our vision then the extension of goodwill to others is natural and infinite. We are indeed connected to our source, our Goddess selves. This is why the extension of goodwill is endless. Love is all there is. In Loving ourselves and living our passionate purpose, we remember that we are Love and unlimited. Everything else becomes easy and effortless. Life was never meant to be hard.

There are many different ways to find your internal goodwill. I have shared with you what works for me. I reiterate, you must find what resonates with you! So the next time you look in the mirror, know that you deserve goodwill first and foremost. Then get ready to dance your way through life with grace and gratitude. Letting go of fear means saying yes to Love. Love yourself, remember that you are God, and know that your purpose, vision, and mission are your Divine plan. Just stay unattached for sometimes our Divine energy has something even better in store for us. I don’t know about you, but I Love surprises! Now that’s goodwill I’m willing to share with everyone!

Peace and Love,



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