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Materialism: Everything Is Of Spirit, Everything!

By Rusty Stewart, Ph.D

Where is God not? Where is Goddess not? Everything in physical form is manifested from Spirit, everything! Many of us have become fragmented by self-righteousness in our own beliefs in the name of spirituality. If we are in judgment, we are less than Loving and accepting ourselves, and others. We have all come here to have our own unique experiences as Spiritual beings in physical form. We are here to expand, to experience whatever we want, whatever we desire, and learn our corresponding lessons. And, ultimately find our way back home to oneness and singularity in the formless. Our journey is one of letting go of judgment and contraction. Materialism in and of itself cannot nurture and feed the soul. However, in our own ignorance we cannot know what the lessons are for people that choose to engage in materialism. To think that we know what is best for others is the ultimate arrogance!

So what am I saying here? Am I pissing some of you off? Become aware of what is going on inside you right now. Have some of your beliefs been challenged? Good, that is my job. But it’s not my intent to change you or pretend I know what you should believe. That my friends, is up to you and your creator, and nobody else. All we can do and be is learn about ourselves, heal ourselves, and change ourselves if we choose. I choose to model healthy harmonic wealth in all areas of my life. If people want to join me that’s great! If people do not want to follow my path, that’s fine too! We all have different paths and lessons. If we are being Love and abundance with a passionate open heart, others will follow.

For me the key is intent and non-attachment. I prefer to be wealthy in all areas of my life, but I do not need to be wealthy. Need implies lack and scarcity. We are already whole and abundant. James Ray relates Harmonic Wealth with five key pillars in our lives: relational, mental, spiritual, physical, and financial. George Bernard Shaw said “it is a sin to be poor.” If we are poor we are not realizing our full potential as Spiritual beings. Thus our experience in physical form will be limited. In James Ray’s Harmonic Wealth book he speaks about money and the financial pillar, “While it’s only one-fifth of the equation for Harmonic Wealth. Money is a very important tool and it affects all of the other pillars. The point is that money is not meant to make you happy, nor will it ever make you feel secure. Being happy, fulfilled, and secure comes from within. Money will, on the other hand, make life more comfortable and give you more options. You need a certain amount of it in today’s world to pursue the other areas of your life. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you can grow spiritually, be healthy and fit, emotionally stable, mentally sharp, and have harmonious relationships without a certain amount of money---you can’t! It was Gandhi who stated, ‘There are people in the world so hungry that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread (Ray, 2008).’”

We can choose to model choice with how we live our lives around Harmonic Wealth, practice non-attachment, and extend Love, gratitude, and compassion. We can also choose to practice choice with people and not interfere with their lessons and karma. I have let go of materialism as I know my happiness comes from within, and, I prefer to have Harmonic Wealth in all areas of my life and teach and show others how to do and be the same. If you choose you can be the change you want to experience too! We are all teachers and students. There is an infinite amount of abundance supplied by the universe. All we have to do is attract it to ourselves and teach others how to do the same. When our hearts are open with Love and compassion, abundance flows freely through our mind, body, and Spirit. With pure and innocent intent of the highest good we can enjoy and share the fruits of all of the good things life has to offer as the temporary custodians we are. We can have and be all while experiencing freedom, unattachment, and harmony.

We all get to choose what we are here to experience. To think, feel, or experience differently is to deny our power as Divine co-creators of the universe. That, my friends, is my belief and judgment. And I am delighted that you agree and/or disagree. We all have our lessons…………..Do you know what all of yours are? Then seriously, how can we know what other peoples are. Set them free and you will set yourself free. Materialism may not be for you or me, but it may be part of other people’s lessons, and conversely, our lessons in how we react to their different way of life. Love and compassion are the only way to freedom. And remember, the energy of money provides more options………….

In closing, ponder this quote from one of James Ray’s shamanic teachers and relate it to your beliefs around money and materialism. James asked, “how will I know which path to take? His teacher responded, the one that you feel not prepared to take.” What path are you not prepared to take? “When would now be a good time to start” (Ray, 2008).


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